Domestic violence in Bulgaria has no official statistics and there is no adequately enforced law. According to NGOs, nearly 1 million women are victims in this country; the exact number of men and children who have experienced psychological,..
Cuando Galina Manolova, una búlgara de sexta generación, nacida en la aldea de Kayraklia, en Moldavia, publicó un relato sobre un juego pascual de su infancia , ella ni siquiera suponía la enorme reacción que provocaría entre los búlgaros esparcidos..
When Galina Manolova, a sixth-generation Bulgarian born in the village of Cairaclia, Moldova, published her account of an Easter egg game from her childhood , she never imagined the huge response it would provoke among Bulgarians around the..
19. yüzyılın 60’lı yıllarında Batı Avrupa’da, zarfsız ‘açık posta kartları’ çıkıyor. Herkesin kart üzerinde yazılanları okuyabileceği sıkıntısından doğan ikircimlikten sonra açık post kartlarının gönderilmesi yığınsal bir özellik kazanlıyor...
En los años 60 del siglo XIX en Europa Occidental aparecieron las llamadas “postales abiertas” que eran unas postales sin sobre, en las cuales las señas del remitente y del destinatario estaban escritas en una columna y el texto en otra y que eran..
What were known as “open” postcards appeared in Western Europe in the 1860s – postcards without an envelope, with the addresses of the recipient and of the sender on the one side and text on the flipside – the forerunners of the greeting cards. After..
Pleven ilinin Koynare kasabasındaki ‘Hristo Botev 1889’okumayurdunda faaliyet gösteren özgün folklor grubu üçüncü yıldır Kuzeybatı Bulgaristan’a özgü ‘kumiçene’ ritüelini yeniden canlandıracak. Bulgar folklor takvimindeki her ilkbahar yortusu gibi..
Por tercer año consecutivo el grupo de folclore auténtico de la casa de cultura Hristo Botev 1889 de la ciudad de Kionare, en la región de Pleven, mostrará una recreación de una de las costumbres más bellas y queridas en esta parte de..
For a third year in a row, the group for authentic folklore at the "Hristo Botev 1889" community center in the town of Koinare, Pleven region, will present a reenactment of one of the most beautiful and beloved customs in..
She holds two jobs, has a husband, a child and a dog – that is what life is like for Nenka Rashkova in Germany. Like most Bulgarians living abroad, the young family decided to leave Bulgaria for very prosaic reasons: “We left four years ago..
Les habitants de Pléven sont heureux de l'ouverture de leur Marché de Noël, prévue le 2 décembre, avec l'illumination de leur grand sapin, place de la..
C’est une confiserie typique des pays du bassin de la Méditerranée, dont les premières recettes proviennent d’un livre arabe de Bagdad du Xe siècle...
L'ensemble "Musica antica"-Sofia et la soprano Guirguina Guirginova donneront ce soir un concert de musique baroque au Centre culturel bulgare à Sofia. Le..