Podcast in English

author: Veneta Nikolova

Eco trip along Zlatna Panega River valley

The fans of wild nature in Bulgaria are the only ones who know well the hidden tourist potential of Yablanitsa, Cherven Bryag and Lukovit municipalities. The multiple karst formations in this region, including the meanders of Zlatna Panega..

08.03.15 11:05 |

La magie des paysages karstiques : Eco-balade le long de la rivière Zlatna Panega

Seuls les amoureux de la nature sauvage et de l’escalade connaissent les trésors cachés que dissimulent les environs des petites villes de Yablanitsa, Tcherven Briag et Lukovit, situées sur le versant nord de la montagne Stara Planina. Dans cette..

07.03.15 09:05 |

Crisis PR or how to save the season

In the recent days the Ministry of Tourism has reported the results from the campaign of Bulgaria's promotion as a tourist destination that closed in December 2014. Financing for the campaign has been provided through European funds and come to..

06.03.15 09:05 |

Haskovo, una ciudad recordista

Haskovo ha salido del anonimato desde no hace mucho, ocupando el digno lugar que se merece en el mapa turístico de Bulgaria. Esta ciudad meridional y las aldeas a su alrededor, dispersas en la zona premontañosa del macizo Rodope, están llenas de..

02.03.15 09:15 |

¿Cómo eligen los búlgaros modernos nombres para sus hijos?

¿Stafana, Ivanka, Petrana o Nikol, Jaklin, Katrin? ¿Gueorgui, Nikolai, Hristo o David, Antoan, Alex? ¿Por qué en estos últimos años los búlgaros han empezado a poner en forma masiva a sus hijos nombres extranjeros, extraños para la cultura búlgara, y que..

01.03.15 09:25 |

Nicole instead of Nikolina, Stephanie instead of Stefanka or how Bulgarian names are transformed

Stefana, Ivanka, Petrana or Nicole, Jaclyn, Cathrine? Georgi, Nikolay, Hristo or David, Antoan, Alex? Why is it that in recent years Bulgarians have been giving their children outlandish names, names untypical of our culture which at times leave..

01.03.15 08:45 |

Book hails hidden treasures of Bulgarian villages

Barely 3 percent of tourists in Bulgaria would opt for local villages. It turns out that not only foreigners, but Bulgarians too don’t know their own country very well. We are talking here the remote parts of the country with incredibly beautiful..

01.03.15 08:15 |

Haskovo - une ville de records

Haskovo vient à peine de sortir de l’anonymat en prenant la place méritée sur la carte touristique de la Bulgarie. Une série d’itinéraires amène le voyageur sur les traces des anciens thraces, le transporte au Moyen Age lorsque ces terres vallonnées..

28.02.15 08:00 |

Rekorlar Kenti Olan Haskovo

Haskovo kenti yakın bir zamandan beri bilinmezlikten kurtularak Bulgaristan’ın turizm haritasında hakettiği yeri aldı. Bu güney şehrimiz ile Rodop Dağının girişinde dağılmış olan civar köyleri binlerce yıllık tarihlerinden başlayarak sürprizlerle..

26.02.15 11:16 |

Nikol, Nikolina’nın, Stefani ise Stefanka’nın yerini aldı

Stefana, İvanka, Petrana veya Nikol, Jaklin, Katrin? Georgi, Nikolay, Hristo veya Deyvid, Antoan, Aleks? Neden son yıllarda Bulgarlar, yeni doğan çocuklarına yabancı, Bulgar kültüründen uzak, isimler veriyorlar? Hatta bazen bu isimler şaşkınlık da..

25.02.15 14:55 |