El pasado 1 de octubre se inauguraba el nuevo año lectivo académico en los centros de enseñanza superior de Bulgaria. A cincuenta y cinco centros de educación universitaria accedieron 300 000 estudiantes en distintas carreras y especialidades. El número..
The new academic year in the Bulgarian universities started on October 1. Fifty five Bulgarian universities welcomed 300,000 students in different majors. The number of freshmen amount to 55,000. Earlier the state authorities approved 70,000..
Between January and August 2018 the profit of all 26 commercial banks in Bulgaria crossed the psychological boundary of BGN 1 billion (EUR 556 million). Moreover, the banks’ profit increased with 20% as compared to the same period last year...
Bulgarians have become used to living with bearable and relatively stable prices for the past 5-6 years, as they neither increased dramatically nor registered any significant falls. This price stability was mainly due to deflation. There have..
Bulgaria and Bulgarian economy are not big. The share of Bulgarian GDP in the total GDP of the EU is less than 1 percent. But this does not prevent large companies comparable to multinational giants from doing business in this country, along..
The project for the construction of a second nuclear power plant in Bulgaria from the times of communism is on the verge of turning 40. Yet to this very day there is no such power plant. Prime Minister Boyko Borissov once called the..
El proyecto para la construcción en Bulgaria de una central electronuclear se remonta a la época del comunismo, al existir desde casi unos 40 años. Sin embargo, no hay todavía tal central nuclear. Boyko Borisov, primer ministro de Bulgaria, llegó a..
Consumer prices in Bulgaria are 44% of what they are in the rest of the EU, Eurostat has reported. This places Bulgaria at the top of the cheap price chart in the EU, followed by Romania and Poland. In theory as prices are half the European ones,..
Starosel village lies between a mountain – Sredna Gora, and a plain – the Thracian plain – and it offers a triple attraction for people with a variety of interests. Starting with those with an interest in the history of the ancient..
La compañía de seguros chipriota “Olympic” se ha declarado en quiebra y se ha quedado sin licencia. También ha anunciado su quiebra la filial que ésta tenía en Bulgaria. En realidad, no se sabe cuál de las dos quiebras ocurrió primero, puesto que la..
Le temps reste couvert avec des brouillards le matin. Des précipitations sont annoncées dans le Sud du pays. Les températures minimales seront comprises..
Cette année encore, dès l’aube du 1er mars, chaque Bulgare accrochera à sa boutonnière la traditionnelle marténitsa , une façon symbolique, sympathique..
Le Parquet européen a mis en examen deux Bulgares, soupçonnés d'avoir détourné 66 750 euros du Fonds social européen, a informé la correspondante de la RNB..