Las agencias internacionales de notación financiera Standard & Poors y Fitch han confirmado sus calificaciones sobre Bulgaria como país beneficiario de créditos, informan desde el Ministerio de Hacienda de Bulgaria. Estas calificaciones..
The Bulgarian citizens felt envy, admiration, mistrust, disapproval and enthusiasm when they learned that Switzerland was initiating a referendum on the introduction of unconditional basic monthly income amounting to 2,500 Swiss Francs. They..
Cuando se enteraron de que los suizos iban a votar a favor o en contra de la implementación de una renta básica garantizada incondicional y general de 2500 francos suizos, los búlgaros se hicieron varias preguntas y se vieron invadidos por un cóctel de..
Two years ago the fourth biggest bank in Bulgaria - Corporate Commercial Bank or CorpBank belonging to Bulgarian banker and businessman Tsvetan Vassilev - was closed down and then declared bankrupt. Right away the central bank and..
In its latest Spring 2016 European Economic Forecast the European Commission assessed positively Bulgaria’s economic development and boosted its expectations about the country’s economic growth in the next two years. This was very good..
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) received a loan from an international banking consortium to the tune of EUR 535 million. However, the total indebtedness of all state-owned companies, which are part of BEH, amounts to over EUR 2 billion. The..
At the backdrop of ongoing drama in Bulgarian healthcare, energy, education and many other sectors, unprecedented scandals shook hard all elements of the national transport system. Road, air, rail, international and public transport did not..
According to the latest data of the National Statistical Institute, the incomes of Bulgarians have risen for the past 12 years by as much as 40 percent. The biggest increase was marked after the country became EU Member State in 2007. All this..
Three months ago Bulgaria’s Premier Boyko Borissov voiced hopes that the country’s economy would mark a 4.5% growth in 2016. Later, the National Statistical Institute published official data about the growth of the gross domestic product in 2015. The..
The 28 banks in Bulgaria traditionally register some of the highest profits in this country’s economy. Few companies from the non-banking sector can boast of profits to the tune of several dozens of millions of euros. Banks used to fill in..
Le temps reste couvert avec des brouillards le matin. Des précipitations sont annoncées dans le Sud du pays. Les températures minimales seront comprises..
Cette année encore, dès l’aube du 1er mars, chaque Bulgare accrochera à sa boutonnière la traditionnelle marténitsa , une façon symbolique, sympathique..
Le Parquet européen a mis en examen deux Bulgares, soupçonnés d'avoir détourné 66 750 euros du Fonds social européen, a informé la correspondante de la RNB..