Wine will spout from two drinking fountains over the weekend in Delchevo. Perched on top of the mountain, the village located close to Gotse Delchev, has made a name for itself as a tourist attraction with its ancient architecture and the beautiful..
"She is a mountain guide and he is a psychologist. Four years ago, Tsvetelina Zidarova and Viktor Zidarov decided to combine their professions for the benefit of lonely souls. As a psychologist, Tsvetelina works with clients who have difficulty..
After hard work comes the time to celebrate! For those working at the Bulgarian National Radio, this is January 25 - a day of reckoning, professional satisfaction and ...awards. At an official ceremony tomorrow evening, we will find out who will receive..
Sinema sanatına olan sevgisi ve iyi bir yönetmen olma hayali ile 6 yıl önce İtalya’ya gelen Boris Slavçev, Roma'daki La Spienza Üniversitesi'nde tiyatro ve sinema alanında yüksek lisans eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra fotoğrafçı olarak çalışmaya..
Hace unos días, el Ayuntamiento de Momchilgrad publicó unas imágenes únicas que despertaron gran interés en las redes sociales. El vídeo, grabado con un dron, presenta una vista aérea de la misteriosa fortaleza medieval de Asara , situada en la zona del..
Sus habitantes lo describen como la "Pequeña Suiza de los Ródopes" por la asombrosa naturaleza que lo rodea y las buenas condiciones de vida. Babyak no es el típico pueblo búlgaro recóndito y desolado, sino que es un ejemplo a seguir. Es por eso que los..
Turizmciler, kayak sezonunun başarılı olacağı konusunda hemfikir. En azından şimdilik yoğun olan kar yağışı ve kayak merkezlerindeki rezervasyon durumu, iyimserliğe vesile veriyor. Turizmde Analizler ve Değerlendirme Enstitüsü tahminlerine..
Llegó a Italia hace 6 años impulsado por su amor por el arte cinematográfico y su sueño de convertirse en un buen director. Tras graduarse en teatro y cine en la Universidad de Roma 'La Sapienza', Boris Slavchev comenzó a trabajar como fotógrafo. Hoy,..
He came to Italy 6 years ago, driven by his love of cinema and his dream of becoming a good director. After graduating in Theatre and Cinema from Rome's La Sapienza University, Boris Slavchev started working as a photographer. Today, the..
The Bulgarian ski season is shaping up to be a success, workers in the industry are unanimous. The snowy winter, at least for now, gives reason for optimism, as does the number of bookings in Bulgarian resorts. In practice, the two military conflicts -..
Nous célébrons le 147 e anniversaire de la Libération de la Bulgarie au bout de 5 siècles de joug ottoman. Le 3 mars 1878 est signé le Traité..
L'UE et l'OTAN ont envoyé leurs vœux à la Bulgarie à l'occasion de sa fête nationale le 3 mars. dans son profil sur X le Conseil de l'UE souhaite en..
Il y a des signes démographiques positifs en Bulgarie, mais personne n'en parle, a déclaré sur la chaîne bTV le maître de conférences Gueorgui Bardarov,..