Podcast en français

author: Veneta Nikolova

Kovatchévitsa : un beau village qui ne change pas

Avec ses vieilles maisons à toit de lauze, ses ruelles escarpées serpentant dans la montagne et ses murs en pierre, gardiens de secrets séculaires, Kovatchévitsa est un des villages les plus beaux et romantiques en Bulgarie. Il n’y a personne qui ne..

14.11.24 14:00 |

Tourisme ornithologique : la Bulgarie est une des meilleures destinations en Europe

La Bulgarie est un des pays les plus riches en espèces aviaires en Europe et fait partie du TOP 5 des destinations préférées de tourisme ornithologique ou birdwatching du vieux continent, explique Guérogui Guerdjikov qui organise depuis des années..

09.11.24 14:00 |

Kovachevitsa’nın büyüsü görenleri hayretler içinde bırakıyor

Taş çatılı eski evleri, kıvranarak yukarıya doğru dağın içine giden yokuş sokakları ve yüzyıllık sırlar saklayan taş duvarları ile Kovachevitsa en güzel ve romantik Bulgar köylerinden biridir. Varlığını zamana aldırmadan sürdüren..

05.11.24 13:05 |

The secret mission of a Zeppelin L 59 or how Yambol went down in history with a world record

One frosty November morning in 1917, as World War I was raging, a Zeppelin L 59 took off from the air base near Yambol bound for Tanzania. The purpose of the flight was to deliver ammunition and materials to the German military units in a remote..

01.11.24 11:32 |

Beautiful Kovachevitsa, the village that never changes

With its stone-roof old houses, steep alleyways winding up into the mountain, and stone fences, Kovachevitsa stands out as one of the most delightful romantic villages in the country, a breathtaking corner in the Rhodopes that seems untouched by..

30.10.24 13:28 |

How Chef Sharankov chose Bulgaria's Rhodope Mountain over London, creating a different concept of food and patriotism

From the noisy kitchens of London restaurants with Michelin stars to a village hidden in the forests of the Rhodope Mountains, Petko Sharankov's path is full of twists and turns. After living for many years in the British capital where he mastered the..

30.10.24 07:55 |

Tesoros y objetos de oro procedentes de 14 de museos búlgaros visitarán el Museo Getty de Los Ángeles

Más de 150 objetos procedentes de 14 museos búlgaros participarán en una exposición titulada “La antigua Tracia y el mundo antiguo”, una exposición que se inaugurará el próximo 3 de noviembre en el Museo Getty de Los Ángeles, y que durará hasta el 3 de..

26.10.24 17:30 |

Una nueva atracción en Burgas: el Museo de lo Imposible desmonta mitos

Hace unos pocos días se inauguró en la ciudad de Burgas, en la costa búlgara, un espacio donde el arte, la ciencia y la magia se dan la mano. Los visitantes del Museo de lo Imposible se transportarán a mundos paralelos para aprender más sobre el..

26.10.24 14:30 |

Una película búlgara sobre Nesebar gana 4 premios en 3 festivales mundiales de cine

El documental “El espejo espiritual del Nesebar cristiano” , de la Televisión Nacional Búlgara, ha sido galardonado con un total de cuatro premios en tres prestigiosos festivales internacionales de cine celebrados en Brasil, Georgia y Portugal...

26.10.24 11:45 |
Romain Gary (1914-1980)

Yazar, diplomat ve hümanist Romain Gary’nin Bulgaristan’daki yılları

Yazar, 2. Dünya savaşı kahramanı, pilot, gazeteci, yönetmen, senarist ve diplomat- Romain Gary(1914-1980)’nin kişiliği çok katmanlı ve gizemlidir. Bulgaristan ise en çok okunan Fransız yazarlarından biri olan Gary’nin hayatında ve eserlerinde önemli bir..

21.10.24 13:26 |