The Seedstars World Company has now won the national round of the international entrepreneurship contest for city transport e-tickets. When the team members faced all the difficulties at buying tickets across the big city, noticing at the same..
The debts of Bulgarian citizens which had to be collected by the collection agencies increased with over EUR 75 million year on year, are search of the Association of the Collection Agencies in Bulgaria shows. However, it does not mean that the total..
The Sofia Breathes Festival for urban culture and nature-friendly thinking is underway for a sixth year in a row. On each August Sunday a different point in the center of Sofia hosts a fair of artists, craftsmen and producers. Every week the theme..
India, one of the fastest growing economies in the world with its 7 th place in the world and third place in Asia in terms of GDP, offers vast business opportunities to Bulgarian companies, says Stefan Ionkov, Head of the Commercial and Economic Office..
In 1999, on the day of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin (November 21) a group of young people decided to launch a meal centre in front of the Church of Ilya the Prophet in Sofia's housing district Drouzhba. They started to collect money and..
"Le ministère de l'intérieur est efficace. Les saisies de stupéfiants et l'interpellation de passeurs de migrants sont en hausse aux frontières de l'espace..
La liberté a globalement reculé dans le monde l'année dernière, alors que l'autoritarisme renforce son emprise, a indiqué ce mercredi..
3e journée de boycott des supermarchés, mais aussi des banques, les organisateurs appelant à éviter toute opération bancaire /retrait, virements et autres..