The 15 th of August is Assumption Day, a feast particularly venerated across the Bulgarian lands, connected with the Mother of God – patroness of childbirth, of motherhood and the giving of life. In towns and villages where there is a church or a..
In the village of Staro Zhelezare near Plovdiv, life used to be no different to life in any other village in Bulgaria. People here would rise before daybreak to tend to the stock and take the cows and the sheep out to graze. Then the people who..
Cost of living in Bulgaria has been going up over the past months and the poverty of the majority of people has been boosting, a report of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria /CITUB/ shows. ‘Incomes and any possibilities..
Not far from Botevo village, 30 kilometers to the East of Dobrich and 35 to the North of Varna, in a locality where medicinal water flows from what is known as the Marina spring, rise the white walls of the St. Marina monastery. According to..
In 2014 the labour ministry decided to allocate some EUR 500 mln to the opening of new jobs and for providing better employment to people, aged up to 29. The funds under the Human Resources Development OP were expected to support the qualification and..
We live almost 1,370 years after the death of Khan Kubrat – the person who established the Bulgarian statehood. Back in the 7th c. he unified the proto-Bulgarians in a military-tribal union, named Great Bulgaria. Its territory spread over the..
“Do you know, my love, the feast is coming to Streltsi village, when harvest is over, when the wheat is in the barn, a big feast is coming to our pretty village,” – the refrain in this folk song marks the end of harvest time every year in one..
The summer is on, the sun has become scorching and the white clouds or the rainbow that comes up into the sky after a rainy spell create a cheerful mood and an urge to capture these lovely moments with the camera. The talent of a really good..
Bulgarian pupils pass many exams at the end of each school year. Their knowledge is assessed by their school teachers, as well as by external inspectors. Pupils often have to learn a lot in a matter of few days of intensive studying which boosts..
“Read and know, so that you will not be ridiculed and reproached by other tribes and peoples. It has cost me much labour to collect from different books and histories until I accumulated and brought together the history of the Bulgarian kin in this little..
C’est ce 24 janvier que démarre le XXXIe Festival international des jeux masqués « Sourva » à Pernik, le plus grand festival d’hiver en Europe qui..
L'homme qui ne se taisait pas , coproduction qui inclut la Bulgarie, a été nommé aux Oscars. Créé en coproduction avec Katya Tritchkova de Contrast..
Le premier ministre macédonien, Hristijan Mickoski a déclaré que la question macédonienne n'était pas close, la Cour européenne des Droits de l'homme..