Only in the port of Burgas life fills me with admiration! Thus Bulgarian poet Hristo Fotev began his poem Port (1969). He was one of the most inspiring poets of recent Bulgarian history and an emblematic personality of his native Burgas. Together..
Bulgarian actors are organizing mass protests in autumn, the chairman of the Union of Bulgarian Actors Hristo Mutafchiev announced. The reason is the proposed update of the state budget, according to which the funds for the "Culture" sector will be..
Eight years after her first visit to Bulgaria and one Nobel Prize for Literature later, the great Polish writer Olga Tokarczuk is coming to Sofia again. She will be the guest of honour at the first Literary Encounters in Bulgaria - a new..
Over 15,000 titles from more than 130 publishers in Bulgaria housed in 60 tents, many premieres and a rich cultural daily program. This will be offered by the 15 th Spring Book Bazaar in Sofia, which starts on May 30 and will run..
Dünyanın yaşadığı evrensel salgın sonunun 21. yüzyılda Avrupa’da patlak veren bir savaşın başlangıcına rastlayacağına hiç kimse inanamıyordu. Nitekim hayat her türlü senaryolar sunar. Edinilen deneyime göre, her sorunun çözümünün bir bölümü mevcut..
It is quite unlikely that in the last two and a half years, as we "were protecting" ourselves from the virus in our homes, anyone of us imagined that millions of people would be forced to flee their "safe strongholds." Hardly anyone..
Only two weeks ago, a young Bulgarian woman managed to make her name known in British political history and became the first Bulgarian and one of the few foreigners ever to be elected municipal councilor in the country's May 5 local elections..
The Bulgarian community in the German federal state of Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen) will celebrate together the Day of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius, Bulgarian alphabet, Education and Culture and of Slavonic Script for the first time. The..
Almanya’nın Aşağı Saksonya Eyaletinde yaşayan Bulgar topluluğu ilk defa Kiril ve Metodiy Kardeşler, Slav Alfabesi ve Bulgar Yazısının Bayramı kutlanacak. Pazar, 22 Mayıs’ta “Ognişte- Ocak” adlı Alman- Bulgar Derneği’nin organizasyonuyla düzenlenen..
6 Mayıs Aya Georgios yortusunda Bulgaristan'da en sevilen bayramlardan biri olan Cesaret ve Bulgar Ordusu Günü kutlanır. 9 Mayıs'ta ise Avrupa, 72. yıldır Birleşme ve Birlik Gününü kutlayacak. İki bayram arasındaki günlerde Sofya, ilki düzenlenen..
Curtea Constituțională a Bulgariei a declarat ilegală alegerea a 16 deputați în actualul Parlament bulgar. Decizia a fost publicată pe site-ul..
Decizia Curții Constituționale privind rezultatele alegerilor generale din octombrie 2024 a fost comentată de diferite forțe parlamentare. Vicepremierul..
13 martie este desemnată Ziua mondială a rinichiului Tot mai multe persoane suferă de probleme renale din cauza imobilității și a supraponderalității..