author: Yuzlem Tefikova

Sofia MENAR Film Fest pune accent pe diferențe și toleranță

Există o porțiune din centrul orașului Sofia în care se află în imediata apropiere o biserică creștin-ortodoxă, o biserică catolică, o sinagogă și o moschee, iar aceasta este cunoscută sub numele de "dreptunghiul toleranței". În urmă cu câteva zile, la..

20.01.23 18:00 |

Sofia MENAR Film Fest with a focus on differences and tolerance

There is a portion of Sofia’s city centre where there is a Christian Orthodox church, a Catholic church, a synagogue and a mosque in close proximity, and it is known as the “rectangle of tolerance”. A few days ago, just a few metres from the..

20.01.23 16:03 |

Bulgaria joins World Interfaith Harmony Week

Bulgaria is one of the countries where representatives of many ethnic groups and religions have coexisted for centuries. According to the country's Constitution, "the traditional religion in the Republic of Bulgaria is the Eastern Orthodox..

05.02.21 18:00 |

Die Angst vor der Pandemie haben zutiefst gläubige Menschen durch das Vertrauen in Gott ersetzt

Auf Initiative der Vereinten Nationen wird seit 2011 die erste Februarwoche als Weltwoche der Harmonie zwischen den Religionen, Glaubensrichtungen und Weltanschauungen gefeiert. Bulgarien ist eines der Länder, in denen seit Jahrhunderten..

03.02.21 16:41 |

Expert Maxim Behar: It is our tremendous obligation to be precise about the truth

"This is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs" – this caption catches the eye when entering the building where the company of Bulgarian PR expert Maxim Behar is housed. When did he begin his rise to the highest..

06.02.20 14:44 |
Michael Varbanov, Todor Kessarovski, Petar Bodurov and Emil Lichev

Young people from Shumen improve the urban environment

Emil Lichev and Peter Bodurov are two young, active and ambitious people. There are many things that bind them together, but the most important is their optimism and belief that change starts from the person himself or herself. Realizing..

16.12.19 16:15 |

Tsvetelina Georgieva from Yunak sports club in Ardino is the young hope of Bulgaria’s table tennis

Yunak table tennis club in Ardino, Kardzhali district, was founded in the remote 1961. In 1992 the club’s management launched an international tournament in honor of one of its first founders Turgut Ademov-Dzhofi who also worked as a coach at this..

20.09.19 13:15 |

Die Freiwilligenhelferin Sezin Sezgin erhält Auszeichnung für Edelmut und Selbstlosigkeit

Das dritte Jahr in Folge wurden Kinder und Jugendliche im Alter bis zu 20 Jahren für gute Taten ausgezeichnet, die sie vollbracht haben. Die Preise wurden im Schloss „Wrana“ bei Sofia von der Initiative „Nationaler Jugendpreis für Edelmut und..

02.07.19 15:49 |

Anti-Bullying Day marked today

Each year the last Wednesday of February is marked as Anti-Bullying Day, aka Pink Shirt Day. It was first held in Canada in 2007 as a protest, organized by two students: David Sheppard and Travis Price, who would dress in pink, thus..

28.02.18 15:27 |