On St. Patrick's Day, March 17 the Embassy of the Republic of Ireland in Bulgaria will light in green 20 landmark buildings across Bulgaria. There will be also two literary exhibitions dedicated to Irish famous Nobel prize winners writers – James Joyce..
The last Bulgarian Parliament obliged the Council of Ministers to amend the National Recovery and Resilience Plan in the field of energy. The main change is to keep the coal-fired power plants operating until at least 2038. With the adopted..
We present to your attention the second part of the journalistic study "Restoring coastal ecosystems - mission possible". The research has been carried out by BNR journalist Assia Chaneva*. Assia Chaneva's journalistic research "Restoring..
We present to your attention the first part of the journalistic research entitled "Restoring Coastal Ecosystems - Mission Possible". The research has been carried out by BNR journalist Assia Chaneva. Assia Chaneva's journalistic research "Restoring..
17 Mart’ta, dünyaya yayılan bütün İrlandalıların günü kabul edilen Saint Patrick bayramı kutlanır. Saint Patrick günü İrlanda’dan başka dünyanın daha birçok ülkesinde de kaydedilir. Bu gün ülkemizde 2016 yılından itibaren resmen idrak edilir...
March 17 th is widely known as St. Patrick's Day - the holiday of all Irish people around the world who, according to the latest data, are approaching 80 million people globally, and in the United States alone there are more than 36 million..
El 17 de marzo es conocido como el Día de san Patricio , la fiesta de todos los irlandeses por el mundo, que suman casi 80 millones de personas. También en Bulgaria residen permanentemente varios cientos de ellos, y varios miles tienen propiedades en..
March 17 th is widely known also as St. Patrick's Day - the holiday of all Irish people around the world who, according to the latest data, are approaching 80 million people globally, and in the United States alone there are more than 40..
Ekspozita „TEST PRESS” prezanton publikime studentore nga arkiva e dizajnerit , koleksionues dhe mësues Henk Groenendijk. Që të gjitha krijimet janë vepër të studentëve nga Akademia e Amsterdamit „Gerrit Rietveld“ në periudhën e viteve 1999-2019...
TEST PRESS exhibition presents students publications from the archive of designer, collector and teacher Henk Groenendijk. Allworks have been produced by students of the Amsterdam “Gerrit Rietveld “Academie over the past 20 years –..
Hükümet, 2025 yılı Devlet Sosyal Güvenlik Bütçe Kanunu taslağını onayladı. Ortalama emekli maaşının yüzde 10,4 artması beklenirken,..
Maliye Bakanı Temenujka Petkova , Bakanlar Kurulunun olağanüstü toplantısının başında yaptığı açıklamada, “Eurostat verilerine göre..
Balkanlarda yerel yönetimin en seçkin forumlarından B40 Balkan Şehirleri Ağı Zirvesi , 24 ve 25 Şubat tarihlerinde Sofya’da düzenlenecek...