Nearly 1500 years after the last ancient Olympic Games, French nobleman Pierre de Coubertin started working for their revival. The creators of the modern Olympic Games in the end of the 19th century naturally decided that Greece must be the host of the games..
Athletics were part of the Olympic Games since their creation in the antiquity. The ancient Olympics included a sprint race with a length of about 192 meters. The oldest historic data about the winners in this race date back to 776 BC. According to..
Generations of Bulgarians have been proud of the country’s sport glory. Historical moments in Bulgarian sport are often remembered and there is a reason why. For a country with a population of less than 8 million people, Bulgaria has won 218 medals at..
At the end of each year various award ceremonies are organized in every sphere of life in Bulgaria, as it is time to celebrate achievements. Sports are where achievements are everything and football is the game of the games, occupying the minds and providing..
Bulgarian weightlifters won two gold medals at the first Youth Olympic Games in Singapore. 2009 world youth champion and silver medallist among the women at the European tournament in Minsk in 2010, Boyanka Kostova, triumphed at the 53-kg category. Kostova..
Die heutige Ausgabe der deutschen Sendung von Radio Bulgarien ist zwei Musikern gewidmet, die Weihnachtslieder in bulgarischer Sprache geschaffen haben...
Weihnachten ist für die Sängerin Rumjana Kozewa ein ganz besonderes Fest. Seit Jahren versammelt sie Familie und Freunde bei sich zu Hause - wertvolle..
Weihnachten ist da und somit auch die Weihnachtsstimmung, die unsere Herzen erfüllt und zusätzlich von den vielen Lichtern, Dekorationen und Liedern..