Though an integral part in the cycle of a few great Christian feasts, the folklore celebrations of Lazaritsa (equivalent of the Feast of Saint Lazarus) and Tsvetnitsa (equivalent of Palm Sunday) are distinctly Bulgarian. They..
Tango Without Borders is a concert from the playbill of the European Music Festival. The intriguing title stands for an unusual program that will be presented on 9 April by Tanguarda Group. The group has been known to Bulgarian audiences since 2009 when..
Tango sin Fronteras es un concierto de la cartelera del Festival Musical Europeo. Detrás de este título hay un programa interesante e insólito que el 9 de abril ejecutará el conjunto Tanguarda. El público búlgaro conoce la formación desde el año 2009..
Ateshkhan Yuseinovis a virtuoso guitarist, a musician with off-the-wall ideas and a leader of a few projects. He is currently working on a world music album. One of the tracks in it is called "Imalo Edno Vreme" (Once upon a time)...
The Hungarian Institute of Culture will host tonight the Sofia premiere of Dinosaur Memories – the new book of Rumen Stoyanov. The famous translator has gathered moments from his 50 years of experience in “word transferring” from and to Spanish..
La Scala in Milan, the opera theatres in Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Paris, Vienna, Rio de Janeiro, Brussels, New York, Detroit, Tokyo are but a few of the prestigious opera stages Mariana Zvetkova has performed on. Her repertoire features..
On March 31, on the first day of their spring vacation, about 120 students from Bulgaria and neighboring countries begin active work at Iliev dance workshop. Classical ballet in the Balanchine style (as opposed to the Vaganova style studied in..
La Scala de Milán, teatros líricos de Berlín, Munich, Dresde, París, Viena, Río de Janeiro, Bruselas, Nueva York, Detroit, Tokio, solo son una parte de los escenarios prestigiosos que figuran en la biografía de Mariana Tsvetkova. En su repertorio tiene..
Starting today until the end of the week, one of the halls of Opera de Lyon has been let to Mario Stantchev. The famous pianist and composer has been invited there to present some of his projects. On stage l’Amphi Opera he teams up with..
The 10 th edition of the Young Virtuosos international contest gathers about 130 instrumentalists, still studying at high school. In the period March 24 – 30 those will compete in three categories – piano, flute and clarinet. There are..
Der Schutz von Tieren und benachteiligten Kindern sowie die Förderung verschiedener kultureller Initiativen sind von grundlegender Bedeutung..
Im heutigen Programm stellen wir Ihnen ein Ausländer aus Deutschland vor, der Bulgarien als ein Paradies ansieht und mit seiner Frau in einem Dorf..
Im Vorfeld einer Zeremonie zur Verleihung der Auszeichnung „Manager des Jahres“ in Sofia erklärte Präsident Rumen Radew, er werde am 11. November die..