Horas después de que el primer ministro y líder del partido gobernante GERB, Boyko Borisov, declarase en una entrevista que el Partido Socialista (BSP) utiliza técnicas de campaña electoral sacadas del manual de la KGB, la líder de la lista del BSP,..
Several hours after Bulgaria’s Premier and leader of GERB party Boyko Borissov said in a TV interview that the Bulgarian Socialist Party is using methods from KGB textbooks (the Committee for State Security for the former Soviet Union), the..
Geçen hafta sonu 26 Mayıs seçimleri öncesindeki son Cumartesi, Pazar idi. AP’ye milletvekili göndermek için yarışan partiler kampanyanın son günlerine girmiş bulunuyor. GERB partisi Avrupa Komisyonu Başkanı, Avrupa Halk Partisi mensubu Manfred..
The last weekend of the European Elections campaign in Bulgaria ended. GERB party held its central election event in Sofia with the participation of the candidate of the European People’s Party for the President of the European Commission..
At a media briefing in Sofia, the CEC presented the voting machines that will be used for the European Elections and which will be delivered to polling stations on May 24. The provider and auditors from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the..
Avrupa Seçim İzleme Merkezi Bulgaristan ekibinin ara raporu AB’de AP seçimleri kampanyalarının hala düşük yoğunlukta olduğunu, ancak Bulgaristan’daki kampanyanın son derece aktif olduğunu gösteriyor. Avrupa Birliği’nde ön planda ekonomi, göç..
An interim report by the Bulgarian team of the European Union Election Observation Mission has reported that the campaign in Bulgaria is relatively active against the backdrop of current low intensity of the national campaigns for the election of..
Un informe provisional del equipo búlgaro del Centro Europeo de Observación Electoral muestra que, en el contexto de la intensidad todavía baja de las campañas nacionales para la elección de los eurodiputados de la UE, la campaña en Bulgaria es..
Merkez Seçim Komisyonu, iktidar partisi GERB’in Cumhurbaşkanı Rumen Radev’in bazı hareketleri ile BSP lehine seçim kampanyasına katılmış olduğu yönünde sunduğu şikayetnameyi kabul etmedi. Komisyon üyeleri BNR’ye yaptıkları açıklamada,..
Bulgaria’s Central Election Commission rejected the complaint of the ruling GERB party which contends that this country’s President Rumen Radev has joined the European Elections campaign of the Bulgarian Socialist Party with some of his public..
Acht authentische bulgarische Traditionen und Fertigkeiten, die in den verschiedenen Teilen des Landes von Generation zu Generation weitergetragen werden,..
Für das Jahr 2025 bereitet der Sänger des Gemischten Chors des Bulgarischen Nationalen Rundfunks Wasko Wassilew-Basilio ein großes Konzert vor,..
Bulgarien, das Zentrum antiker Zivilisationen, bietet beeindruckende historische Stätten, umgeben von den schönsten Küsten des Schwarzen Meeres und..