Podcast in English

author: Albena Bezovska

Ritos y creencias tradicionales del Día de san Silvestre

El 2 de enero los cristianos ortodoxos rinden homenaje a la memoria de san Silvestre, papa romano que vivió en los siglos III al IV. En el año 314 fue elegido obispo y papa romano y como tal vivió hasta 335, año de su muerte, en una época en que se..

02.01.22 09:20 |

Silvestrovden ile ilgili halk gelenek ve inanışları

Doğu Ortodoks Kilisesi  2  Ocak günü 3.- 4. yüzyılarda yaşamış olan Roma Katolik Kilisesinin başı Az. Sylvester’i anar. 314 yılında Roma piskoposu ve papa olarak seçilen Az. Sylvester bu görevlerinde 335 yılndaki vefatına kadar kalır. O dönemde..

02.01.22 06:55 |

Surva, Happy New Year and wishes for health and prosperity!

Since unknown times Bulgarians have welcomed January 1 with the wishes of the survakari, who continue to visit homes of people on the first day of the New Year: “Surva, a Happy New Year, a golden wheat-ear in the field, a red apple in the..

01.01.22 12:15 |

¡Surva, surva! ¡Felicidad y alegría, casa llena de seda, salud y fuerza durante todo el año!

Desde tiempos inmemorables los búlgaros reciben el 1 de enero con los votos de los survakar, jóvenes que incluso hoy en día recorren las casas en las primeras horas del primer día del Año Nuevo y desean a todos:  ¡Surva! ¡Alegre sea el Año..

31.12.21 10:51 |

Koledarlar- Noelci’lerin sağlık ve bereket dilekleri

Tulumun sihirli sesi, Noel şarkılarının heyecan verici ritmi, Noelcilerin temenni ve dilek iletmeleri – bütün bunlar insan topluluğunun muhafaza edilmesi, sağlık, iyilik ve refahının sağlanması ile ilgili adetlerin bir kısmıdır. Noel gecesinde ev..

25.12.21 08:30 |

Christmas blessings for health and prosperity

The magical sound of the bagpipe, the captivating rhythm of Christmas songs, the power of Christmas incarnations- all this is part of the rituals aimed to protect the community and ensure sound health and well-being. Groups of young men go round..

25.12.21 08:00 |

Songs about the Mother of God, the infant Jesus and the tree of God

According to Bulgarian folk customs, on Christmas Eve the fire burning in the fireplace of each home should not be put down. And the so-called “badnik”, a large log of chopped wood that is placed in the hearth, is cut down in the morning before..

24.12.21 10:05 |

Festive bread, daily bread…

On Christmas Eve lean dishes and ritual bread with a coin are served and on Christmas - meat dishes predominate. Even in the times of food deliveries and fast food, preparation for the holiday table remain an integral part of the festive spirit...

24.12.21 08:00 |

BNR’s Big Band and Orlin Pavlov in an exciting Christmas adventure

The Christmas concert of the Big Band of the BNR this year is on December 17 in the capital's Bulgaria Hall. The soloist is Orlin Pavlov, whom we know as a vocalist of the band "Kaffe" at the beginning of his career, and later as a solo singer..

17.12.21 16:29 |
Orlin Pavlov ve BNR Big Band Orkestrası

BNR Big Band Orkestrası ve Orlin Pavlov’tan heyecan verici Noel konseri

Solistliği karyerine “Kaffe” grubunun vokali olarak başlayan, daha sonra ise müzik yoluna tek başına devam ederek çok sayıda başarılı projeye imza atan Orlin Pavlov yapacak.   Orlin Pavlov, caz piyanist Jivko Petrov, “Brazz Assoociation” ve Sofya..

17.12.21 15:24 |