In the past two years Bulgaria went through a grave political crisis of credibility of all official institutions and the very way the state functions. The public unrest was focused in the capital city Sofia, where all centres of power are..
After two months of vacillations, negotiations and hard work, the second right-of-centre coalition government of Prime Minister Boyko Borissov has apparently mustered enough self-confidence and courage to undertake some of the most pressing and..
The controversial pension reform endorsed on Friday will never take off within the prescribed period. This decision, as surprising as it is predictable, was made on Sunday after a meeting Prime Minister Boyko Borissov had with Radan Kunev,..
Tras una agotadora sesión de 17 horas, en la noche del viernes al sábado, el Parlamento finalmente aprobó el Presupuesto Nacional para 2015 sin demasiadas discusiones y en total tranquilidad. En Bulgaria se considera que esta es la ley más..
After a 17-hour grueling sitting on Friday night that continued into the early hours of Saturday morning, the National Assembly finally adopted the country’s national budget for 2015 without much debate or emotion. In Bulgaria this is..
One of the fundamental reforms - if “reform” is the correct word to use in this specific case – the authorities envisage with national budget 2015, is to cut financing for salaries in public administration. They say that would keep the budget..
No hace mucho altos funcionaros de la CE dieron a conocer que no se interesaban e incluso no respaldaban la construcción del gasoducto South Stream, diseñado para suministrar gas ruso a Europa Central y Occidental a través del Mar Negro, pasando por el..
Until recently, top European Commission officials were making it plain they were not particularly interested in and even disapproved of the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline that was supposed to deliver Russian gas across the Black Sea..
Speaking during a visit to Turkey last night, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced Russia was dropping plans for the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline that was supposed to enter EU territory from the Bulgarian Black Sea..
Tras unos debates apasionados y de evidente parcialidad, después de esgrimidos argumentos contundentes y contra argumentos más contundentes aún, tras dosis embriagadoras de populismo y arrebatos de profesionalismo, todo ello rodeado de aseveraciones..
En 2022 14,7% des travailleurs de l'UE recevaient des salaires trop bas. Par définition une personne au salaire trop bas est celle qui touche deux tiers ou..
Il n'y aura pas de recomptage des bulletins de vote des élections législatives anticipées d'octobre 2024. La Commission électorale centrale /CEC/ s'est..
Lors d’un événement spécial le 25 février à la Maison de la Radio a été inaugurée l’exposition "90 ans de RNB – la radio de plusieurs générations de..