The rock formations overhanging the Rusenski Lom River and its tributaries Beli Lom, Cherni Lom and Mali Lom are a magnet for nature lovers and adrenaline seekers. The whole area is known as Polomie or "Mountain under the Plain"...
"Bulgaristan– cazip ve güzel" başlığı altında Bulgar gezi ve seyahat blog yazarları ülkemizdeki en fotojenik yerlerden bazılarını tanıtıyor. Gezginlerin çektiği eşsiz fotoğraflardan oluşan sergi 24 Eylül’de Varna’da Deniz Bahçesi’nin girişinde açılacak..
Fashion that you can't wear, but that will inspire you. Exquisite dresses, not made of lace or silk, but of metal. Zhivko Sedlarski's exquisite sculptures are owned by museums, galleries and private collections on 3 continents, earning him the nickname..
Moda que no se viste, sino que inspira. Vestidos lujosos, pero no de encaje o seda, sino de metal. Las esculturas de Zhivko Sedlarsky son propiedad de museos, galerías y colecciones privadas en tres continentes, lo que le ha ganado el apodo de "El..
"Bulgaria - magnética y bella": bajo este título, los blogueros de viajes búlgaros presentan algunos de los lugares más fotogénicos del país. La exposición, que muestra imágenes únicas tomadas por estos viajeros, se inaugurará el 24 de..
16 Eylül’de ülkemizde 55 binden çok çocuk birinci sınıfa başlayacak. Minik öğrenciler, onarılıp pırıl pırıl hale gelen, balon ve çiçeklerle süslenen dersliklere ilk kez girmenin heyecanını yaşayacaklar. Dershanelerde, sıralarda dizili olarak..
With excitement and some trepidation, more than 55,000 Bulgarian children will be starting school this year for the very first time. On 16 September, the first graders will enter their renovated classrooms and sit down at their desks where colourful..
Le tourisme rural est en passe de devenir la formule préférée des vacances surtout pour les jeunes et les familles qui souhaitent mener une vié écologique et réduire leur empreinte carbone. Si, il y a quelques années, passer les vacances à la..
Pobitite Kamani (Las Piedras Clavadas o, más conocido en español como El Bosque Petrificado) sorprende a los visitantes, concede deseos y tiene fama de curar. Miles de columnas arenosas, grandes y pequeñas, que se asemejan a personas, plantas o..
They delight the eye, grant wishes and heal. Thousands of rock pillars, large and small, resembling people, plants or strange animals, are scattered over a vast area of 50 square kilometres near the port city of Varna. Their origin is still not fully..
L’École bulgare "Ivan Vazov" à Paris lance la deuxième édition du prestigieux concours littéraire international " La Plume Magique ". Ce défi s’adresse..
Par tradition, le premier dimanche de mars arrive à Chiroka laka avec le rassemblement des koukeri , qui chassent l'hiver et annoncent l'arrivée du..
7 semaines avant Pâques, les chrétiens orthodoxes célèbrent le Dimanche du Pardon. Selon la coutume, la famille se réunit au grand complet..