Piyanist Fani Kutsarova müzik çevrelerinde olduğu gibi klasik müziği sevenler arasında da piyanist , pedagog ve solo sanatçı olarak tanınır bir isimdir. Fani sülalesinde dördüncü nesil müzisyendir. Fani Kutsarova bu yılki konser programını..
Kiril Mariçkov, İvan Leçev, Doni, Slavço Nikolov ve Venko Poromanski, ülkemizden iyice bilinen müzisyenlerdir. Her birinin kariyeri, farklı bir grup ile ilgilidir, ama onları birleştiren şey, Bulgar rock müziğine aşkıdır. Onlar, “Fondatsiyata” oluşumunu..
La pianista, pedagoga y solista Fani Kutsarova es bien conocida en los círculos musicales profesionales y entre los melómanos amantes del género clásico. Es discípula de los mejores maestros búlgaros y es continuadora de rancias tradiciones familiares..
Kiril Marichkov, Iván Lechev, Dony, Slavcho Nikolov y Venko Poromanski son músicos de gran fama en el escenario búlgaro. La carrera de cada uno de ellos está vinculada con un grupo diferente, Kiril Marichkov es el emblema del grupo Los Grillos, Iván..
Kiril Maritchkov, Ivan Letchev, Dony, Slavtcho Nikolov, Venko Poromanski - ce sont tous des noms de musiciens phare de la scène bulgare. La carrière de chacun d’entre eux est liée à différents groupes, des plus grands. Kiril Maritchkov est..
Kiril Marichkov, Ivan Lechev, Doni, Slavcho Nikolov and Venko Poromanski are well known musicians in Bulgaria. The career of each of them is associated with a different band - Kiril Marichkov is the emblem of "Shturcite"; Ivan Lechev is..
The song 7 /Seven/ is from the latest album of the P.I.F. band, called P.I.F.4. In October the musicians had a different concert at Sofia Live Club. Front man Dimo Stoyanov, who wrote and composed 7, gives us details: “We aimed a challenge at..
In the center of Sofia bagpipe sounds will mix with didgeridoo and Bulgarian shepherd's flute, world music bands will be trying to compete for the love of the audience, and artists are going to paint their impressions from the event...
En plein Sofia résonneront la cornemuse et le kaval bulgare, le didgeridoo australien, des formations ethno et world music entreront en compétition et se disputeront les acclamations du public. Le club Mixtape 5 accueillera l’événement..
After Russia Sprint will have 5 concerts in Armenia and Georgia. In the beginning of 2015 the Hard Rock Café in Tokyo will host their two concerts. The Asian tour of the rock band will continue with several more music shows in South Korea...
Il y a près de 40 ans des Communautés ecclésiastiques orthodoxes bulgares en Europe centrale et occidentale furent créées dans plusieurs villes :..
Le drone qui avait pénétré la zone de l’aéroport de Sofia en retardant 6 vols le 7 février a conduit le ministre des Transports et des Communications..
D'ici fin septembre, la Bulgarie devra réceptionner 8 avions de chasse F-16 Block 70, comme indiqué par le ministre de la Défense, Athanas Zaprianov sur..