Günler önce ABD’nin Cincinnati kentinde, Birinci Cincinnati Public Schools İnternational Jazz Festival düzenlendi. Festivale, ABD’nin 22 okulundan orkestralar ile birlikte başlarında trompetçi Todor Bakardjiev'in bulunduğu “Lübomir Pipkov”..
The first edition of the Cincinnati Public Schools International Jazz Festival ended a few days ago in the US. Together with orchestras from 22 schools in the United States, the jazz band of the "Lyubomir Pipkov" National Music School with..
Hace unos días, en Cincinnati (EE.UU.) finalizó la primera edición del Festival Internacional de Jazz de las Escuelas Públicas de Cincinnati al que se presentaron orquestas de 22 escuelas norteamericanas. La única formación de otro país en el..
“We are happy to be able to perform such interesting performances. We are grateful to the municipality of the city and the Ministry of Culture, who have always supported us” says Ognian Draganov, director of the Stara Zagora Opera House, which..
Estamos contentos de tener la oportunidad de realizar producciones tan interesantes . Son palabras de Ogñán Draganov, director de escena y gerente de la Ópera de Stara Zagora, que en los últimos años no deja de sorprender con ideas, proyectos..
The Sofia National Opera and Ballet opens its new season with the premiere of Zachariy the Painter opera by Marin Goleminov. The two performances will be held on October 11 and 13. We can hardly cover all historical, aesthetic, moral and..
On October 10, Acoustic Version Jazz Trio will present its new program, specially prepared for the Nisville International Jazz Festival in Serbia. The concert is at Sofia Live Club. Engrossed in their busy daily lives of performers, composers,..
October 1st – International Music Day was celebrated for the first time back in 1974. It was established by a decision of the International Music Council of UNESCO in France. It is celebrated in more than 120 countries worldwide, including..
1 Ekim - Uluslararası Müzik Günü ilk kez 1974'te kutlandı. Fransa'daki UNESCO Uluslararası Müzik Konseyi'nin kararı ile kuruldu. Bulgaristan da dahil olmak üzere 120'den fazla ülkede kutlanıyor. Müzik gününde sunulan en ilginç programlardan biri..
The great Bulgarian composer Marin Goleminov was born 111 years ago on September 28th. This is also the date on which for four consecutive years an award in his name is presented in his hometown of Kyustendil, as well as the Golden Quartet Prize...