Eмисия новини
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author: Albena Bezovska

„Quería incorporar a Tosca a mis entrañas”, dice Alexandrina Pendachanska tras su exitoso estreno

Alexandrina Pendachanska transforma en un auténtico acontecimiento cada actuación suya en el escenario búlgaro. Esto también ha pasado tras estrenarse la diva en el papel de Tosca de la homónima ópera de Giacomo Puccini. Las primeras dos funciones con..

20.12.17 13:42 |

İgajden- Yeni Yıl, Yeni Gün, Yeni bir başlangıç

İgnajden (İgnat Günü), 20 Aralık’ta kutlanan bir dini ve halk yortusudur. Dini takvimlerde “Tanrı kuşanan ” Aziz İgnatyos anılır. Hristiyan inançlarına göre, bugün Meryem Ana’nın doğum sancıları başlar, ki bu durum, yılın bu zamanında..

20.12.17 11:36 |

Ignazhden (Day of St. Ignatius) – young year, young day, new beginning…

Ignazhden, St. Ignatius day is a Christian Orthodox as well as a traditional feast day which falls on 20 December. In the liturgical calendar, this is a date commemorating Holy Hieromartyr Ignatius the Godbearer. He is said to be the child God..

20.12.17 11:29 |

Alexandrina Pendatchanska: “I wanted to become Tosca”

We all know that every appearance onstage of Alexandrina Pendatchanska turns into an event. The last time was 5 years ago when the opera diva marked 25 years since her debut with that unforgettable concert in Sofia. The same thing happened after..

19.12.17 13:24 |

Wonder of handmade objects, full of beauty and tradition

Saint Spyridon is considered to be the patron of craftsmen in Bulgaria – shoemakers, brick-makers, potters, tailors etc. No matter the fact that each craft has its own patron saint, December 12 th has been known as Craftsmen Day ever since..

12.12.17 16:01 |

El milagro de hacer algo con tus manos, llenarlo de belleza y resucitar el sentido de tus raíces

En Bulgaria, San Espiridón es considerado protector de los artesanos: zapateros, albañiles, alfareros, panaderos, así como sastres, tejedores y otros. Independientemente de que cada uno de ellos tiene su propio santo patrón, el 12 de diciembre se conoce..

12.12.17 15:55 |

Usta ellerin yarattığı mucizeler

Ülkemizde Aziz Sipirdon, ayyakabıcı, tuğlacı,fırıncı, çömlekçi, bakırcı, terzi, dokumacı gibi zanaatkârların koruyucu azizidir. Bundan dolayı da 12 Aralık Sanatkârlar, Esnaflar Günü olarak da kutlanır . Bu güne damgasını vuran halk şenliklerin..

12.12.17 13:41 |

Azize Anna Günü: Güneş’in yaza döndüğü ve bir piliç kadar zıpladığı gün

Bulgarların halk geleneklerinde bir mevsimden başka bir mevsime geçişi, kehanet, büyüler ve koruyucu ritüeller zamanıdır. Bundan dolayı yıl sonundaki halk gelenekleri de birbirine benzer.  Hele hele yılın en tehlikeli olarak bilinen sözüm ona “Kurt..

09.12.17 10:15 |

Orthodox Church marks conception of St Anne

According to some beliefs in Bulgaria the period of transition from one season to another is the right time for divination, magical practices and protective rituals. That is why all folk customs at the end of the calendar year are similar in a..

09.12.17 08:00 |

This festive day, St. Nicholas’ Day…

There are two Orthodox holidays in Bulgaria, devoted to St. Nicholas Wonderworker, Archbishop Mirlikiyski – on December 6 and on May 9 (the so-called Summer St. Nicholas’ Day). Every Thursday is also devoted to the saint. “Rule of faith and..

06.12.17 12:41 |
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