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author: Albena Bezovska

Gergan Tsenov: “Çağdaş Bulgar müziği ABD’deki seyirciler tarafından büyük rağbet görüyor”

Sofya Filarmonisi 29 Ekim tarihinde “Bılgaria” Salonunda programı tamamen XX. asırda yaratılan Bulgar eserlerinden ibaret bir konser verdi. Orkestranın konuk şefi, yaklaşık 20 seneden beri ABD’de yaşayan Gergan Tsenov. Bu orkestra şefinin ismi, ülkemizde..

30.10.17 10:53 |

American audiences show keen interest in contemporary Bulgarian music: Guerguan Tsenov

On 29 October at Bulgaria Hall in Sofia the Sofia Philharmonic is giving a concert with an exclusively Bulgarian program. Guest-conductor is Guerguan Tsenov who has been living in USA for almost two decades now. Guerguan Tsenov was born in..

29.10.17 08:10 |
Veliko Tırnovo kentindeki

Aziz Dimitros Günü ile ilgili inanç ve gelenekler

26 Ekim’de Ortodoks kilisesi, İsa inancı için hayatını kaybeden Aziz Dimitros’u anıyor. 3. asırda Selanik’te doğduğu için Selanikli Aziz Dimitros olarak da biliniyor. Aziz Dimitros günü yüzyıllardır bizde en büyük rağbette olan yortulardan biridir...

26.10.17 13:30 |
The Church of St. Dimitar Solunski in Veliko Tarnovo. On the small picture: an icon of St. Dimitar and St. George

The feast of St. Demetrius the Myrrh-flowing – songs, beliefs and customs

On 26 October the East Orthodox Church commemorates St. Demetrius the Myrrh-flowing who perished for the Christian faith. He was born in 3 c. AD in Thessaloniki and is also known as St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki. For centuries his feast has..

26.10.17 11:43 |

El festival internacional de folclore “Maleshevo canta y baila” presenta una variada paleta de estilos y nacionalidades

Hoy empieza la 14ª edición del Festival Internacional de Folclore “Maleshevo canta y baila” que continuará hasta el 22 de octubre. Organizador y anfitrión del foro, que es de tipo competitivo, es el municipio de Strumyani (Suroeste de Bulgaria)...

20.10.17 16:10 |

14th edition of Maleshevo Sings and Dances International Folklore Festival

Maleshevo or Maleshevie is a small region around the Maleshevska Mountain, part of which is situated in neighboring Macedonia. The Bulgarian segment of the mountain spreads along the picturesque bank of the Struma River with 28 villages and a..

20.10.17 14:25 |

Saksafoncu Casey Benjamin ve Friday Fiction – eski funk müziğinin genç umudu

Casey Benjamin, en genç Bulgar funk gruplarından birinin kulüp konserine katılmak üzere ülkemize geliyor. Bu yılın Temmuz ayında kolorit Amerikan saksofoncu, vokalist ve multienstrumancı, Robert Glasper Experiment’ın bir parçası olarak A to Jazz..

17.10.17 14:02 |

El saxofonista Casey Benjamín y Friday Fiction, la joven esperanza para el viejo funk

El saxofonista Casey Benjamín ha llegado a Bulgaria para un concierto conjunto con uno de las formaciones búlgaras más jóvenes de funk. En julio de este año el impresionante saxofonista norteamericano, vocalista, vocoderista y multiinstrumentista..

17.10.17 13:03 |

Saxophonist Casey Benjamin and Friday Fiction – young hope for old funk

Casey Benjamin is coming to Bulgaria to take part in a club concert of one of Bulgaria’s youngest funk formations. In July the impressive American saxophonist, vocal and multi-instrumentalist participated in the A to Jazz Festival in the..

17.10.17 12:44 |

Gold Dust 2017– the secret of success lies in constantly upgrading and building up

At least that is what the organizers of the Gold Dust International Folklore Festival say. The event took place in the village of Chelopechnear Sofia at the end of July. A combination of colourful events and music contests, for the fourth..

12.08.17 09:05 |
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