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author: Miglena Ivanova

La politique de l’Etat en matière d’enfance écope d'une mention passable...

Depuis 11 ans, le Réseau national pour les enfants publie un rapport intitulé “Bulletin de notes : quelle est la mention de l’État en matière de soins pour les enfants ?” La barre de 3/6 ou "passable" selon l’échelle de notation bulgare qui va..

04.05.22 09:37 |

El Estado obtiene una calificación deficiente por su política encaminada a los menores

Por undécimo año la Red Nacional para la Infancia elabora un informe de evaluacion denominado Cuaderno de evaluaciones: ¿qué nota promedio recibe el Estado por los cuidados que otorga a los menores? Este año el Estado no ha podido superar la nota..

03.05.22 15:27 |

Ethnic Bulgarian Mariya Zhelyazkova from Chushmeliy: Our lives have ground to a halt

War is a bad thing. It leaves destroyed cities, shattered lives and a lot of sorrow behind. The war in Ukraine caused a wave of sympathy and connected people from different parts of the world with invisible threads. “Their compassion helped them..

03.05.22 12:56 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

Experto búlgaro en temas relacionados con Albania: “La guerra en Ucrania genera inseguridad en los Balcanes Occidentales” La guerra en Ucrania genera inestabilidad en los Balcanes Occidentales y recelos de que los problemas económicos..

29.04.22 13:33 |
Ivan Abazher

Bullgarët në Krime – të harruar, por duke mos e harruar Bullgarinë

Gadishulli i Krimesë ndodhet pranë zonave të konfliktit midis Rusisë dhe Ukrainës. Ky ishte shkasi që Radio Bullgaria të kontaktojë Ivan Abazherin, kryetar i Autonomisë Rajonale Nacional-Kulturore Bullgare në Republikën e Krimesë "Paisij..

28.02.22 13:27 |
Ivan Abazher

Bulgarians in Crimea - forgotten but not forgetting Bulgaria

The Crimean peninsula is located close to the conflict zones between Russia and Ukraine. Radio Bulgaria contacted Ivan Abazher, chairman of "Paisii Hilendarski" Regional National-Cultural Autonomy of the Bulgarians in the Republic of..

25.02.22 14:02 |

Vaccination tourism: Bulgaria is a Top 5 destination for Russians seeking innoculation with Western jabs

Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece are the TOP-5 destinations for vaccination tourism in Russia, reports the Association of Russian Tour Operators (ATOR) on its website in a publication dated February 9 th 2022. The interest of Russian..

22.02.22 09:11 |

Calidoscopio balcánico

Rumanía acoge los primeros efectivos norteamericanos que refuerzan el flanco oriental de la OTAN Ha llegado a Rumanía una parte del total de 1000 efectivos norteamericanos procedentes de Alemania que se desplegarán en ese país. El..

11.02.22 12:05 |

Daniela Zekina and her visual poetry

"I define my style as fantastic realism, because painting only the real thing is less interesting for me. I always want to add something fantastic, something that is impossible to exist in the real world. I try to combine..

26.12.21 08:25 |

Daniella Zekina dhe poezia e saj virtuale

“Unë e përcaktoj stilin tim si një realizëm fantastik, sepse të pikturoj vetëm realen për mua është më pak interesante. Gjithmonë dua që të shtoj diçka fantastike, diçka, e cila është e mundur të ekzistojë në botën reale. Mundohem që të gërshetoj..

26.12.21 07:05 |
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