In the 2020/2021 academic year, more than 211 thousand students are studying for bachelor's and master's degrees in higher education institutions in Bulgaria . 12.3% of them have chosen private institutions. 92.1% of university students in Bulgaria are..
More than 300 students will take part in the XXI Varna Universiade, which starts today and will run until April 24 , BNR Varna reported. All events will carried out in accordance with the epidemiological situation in the country and will be held only..
The procedure for admitting Bulgarians from abroad to state universities in this country will be eased, according to changes prepared by the Ministry of Education. They have been discussed online between Minister Krassimir Valchev..
As of 17 February (Wednesday), pupils and university students from Greece, Turkey, Serbia, North Macedonia and Romania travelling daily or at least once a week to Bulgaria for training and educational purposes will no longer be required to provide a..
A survey of 233 schools in the country, conducted by the Amalipe Centre for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance, shows that school principals are pushing for autonomy in making decisions about pupils returning to school. According to the respondents,..
The danger of students needing to return home again remains if the values of those infected reach a morbidity rate of 200 per 100,000 people. February and March are risky months, but education is worth taking a measured risk. If the situation..
As of today, the in-person learning process for students in the 7th, 8th and 12th grade is resumed, which will last until February 17 . This is done with an order of the Minister of Education Krassimir Valchev from January 29 for resumption of the..
More than 30 years ago, students from the town of Yambol (Southeastern Bulgaria) wrote their dreams on sheets of paper, stuck them it in a glass bottle and buried the bottle. Recently, their messages were discovered near the former primary..
The Bulgarian Minister of Education Krasimir Valchev хас issued an order for distance learning until January 31 for students from 5th to 12th grade. The order is valid for all students enrolled in daytime, evening, part-time and combined form of..
"We are being treated as owners of infectious agents that we want to put in schools to sow infection," Hristina Domozetova, one of the initiators of the open letter sent by parents and experts to the government, told BNR. Their letter has been..