The Bulgarian city of Veliko Tarnovo is the host of national celebrations dedicated to the 140th anniversary of the adoption of the Tarnovo Constitution. The Constitutional Court had an open meeting this evening in the Museum of the Bulgarian..
On April 9 and 10, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev pays a visit to Beirut at the invitation of his Lebanese counterpart, Michel Aoun. Opportunities for increasing trade between Bulgaria and Lebanon and deepening cooperation between the two countries..
During an official visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has held talks with President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah Saeed Hussein Khalil El-Sisi. The presidents discussed the fight against terrorism and organized crime, as..
At a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev pointed out that despite existing differences when it came to bilateral and international issues, there were deep historical, spiritual and cultural ties..
From December 15 to 17, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev will be on an official visit to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the invitation of Abdullah II bin Al-Hussein. In the royal palace in the capital city of Amman, Bulgarian President..
The world is a dynamic and controversial place, and this means one thing - Bulgaria needs a modern and capable army that is compatible with its allies. This priority must be brought to the attention of the state and senior military leadership, President..
When it comes to a number of key benchmarks Bulgaria ranks among Sub-Saharan African countries and it has been getting increasingly difficult for it to fit into the "European landscape", President Rumen Radev said today at a meeting with students in..
During his visit to Britain, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev held a lecture at Oxford Union, Oxford University's largest debating community, set up in 1823. The president pointed out the importance of security today because if there were no security..
After a meeting in Sofia with Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov, Bulgarian Head of State Rumen Radev said that Bulgaria accepted the results of talks between Skopje and Athens, as they removed important obstacles along the path of the country's..
Public media is responsible to citizens for promoting professional standards in journalism and focusing on socially relevant topics in a world of increasing media and finance concentration. This was the general position voiced by the Bulgarian Head of..