For the 19th day running, last night protesters gathered in the centre of Sofia demanding the resignation of the government, of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev, and of the director general of public service TV BNT Emil Koshlukov...
Bulgaria is among the countries where there exists a significant threat to media pluralism, as well as among the countries where there is a high risk of influence over editorial content by commercial and owner interests. This is indicated in a..
Bulgaria will receive more than 30 million euros under the Connecting Europe Facility. A total of 5 railway projects are being financed, the European Commission announced. The modernization of the electrical substations in Vratsa and Pernik..
Bulgaria’s cabinet has approved an agreement with the European Commission. Bulgaria has authorized the EU to sign preliminary agreements on the purchase of Covid-19 vaccine from producers on behalf of the EU member states. The initiative of the..
We shall not comment on events in Bulgaria, European Commission spokesperson Eric Mamer stated, answering a question about the EU’s view of the situation in the country of the past few days . He added that as to the EU and European..
European People’s Party MEP Andrey Kovatchev announced that the European Commission’s environmental impact assessment of the Mobility package would be ready in the autumn. At a briefing before tomorrow’s European Parliament’s plenary in..
The European Commission is referring Bulgaria to the EU Court of Justice over late reporting under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Brussels gave Bulgaria 3 months to fulfil its obligations under Natura 2000. Bulgaria is also urged to..
The European Commission will present the 2020 Annual Rule of Law Report in September. The new European Rule of Law Mechanism will be applicable across all members of the European Union and will replace the monitoring on separate EU countries such..
The European Commission confirmed that a new notification on the part of Bulgaria is needed if it wants to resume the construction of Belene nuclear power plant . The motives are the changes to the project, the development of safety standards and..
The government has approved the submission of amendments to the Agreement between the Parties to the Police Cooperation Convention for Southeast Europe on the Automated Exchange of DNA Data, Dactyloscopic Data and Vehicle Registration Data. It..