Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has donated blood as part of the National Blood Donation Campaign organised on the occasion of Palm Sunday, "Light a candle, donate blood, and donate life now!" This was what initiator of the campaign - the Bulgarian Red..
Bulgarian Head of State Rumen Radev has sent a greeting address to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on his victory in the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. "I hope we will work together for the realisation of existing..
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has vetoed the amendments to the Bank Bankruptcy Act adopted on February 9, 2018. The President supports efforts of the National Assembly for greater efficiency when it came to protection of social interest in cases..
In Brussels, where Bulgarian President Rumen Radev arrived for the official opening of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, he told reporters that he strongly opposed the ratification of the Istanbul Convention. According to the Bulgarian..
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has held a press conference on the occasion of one year of his stepping into office. He pointed out that the main focus of his work was defending the sovereignty and security of Bulgaria. President Radev believes that..
Since January 1 we have taken the Presidency of the Council of the EU; for 11 years we have been a member of the EU; but since 13 centuries Bulgaria has been the southeastern gate of Europe. This was what Bulgarian President Rumen Radev said during the..
On November 27 and 28, President Rumen Radev pays an official visit to Cyprus. The program includes meetings with President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades, President of the House of Representatives Demetris Syllouris, Archbishop of Cyprus, Chrysostomos..
In Sofia, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev met with EP President Antonio Tajani and with chairs and representatives of political groups in the European Parliament. The Head of State said that when holding the Presidency of the Council of EU,..
We will have success in the justice system when politicians start reporting to citizens rather than Brussels. This is what Bulgarian President Rumen Radev told reporters. According to him, comments on the EC report under the Co-operation and..
Bulgarian President Rumen Radev has visited flood-affected towns and villages in the Bourgas region. The head of state pointed out that additional funds are being sought for assistance in overcoming damages in addition to the one-off support for..