In the past few years we have been seeing weather that is not typical of the respective season. 2023 has been no exception, and the vagaries of the weather made it the hottest year in the world since 1850, exceeding by 14.98° C. the 1850 norm, which..
The participants in the 32 nd Bulgarian Antarctic expedition have reached Livingstone Island, and their principal aim, parallel with their scientific projects, is to build a new laboratory block. One of them is Petar Sapundjiev, who has a PhD in..
“Humans have become an active planetary factor, and the effect they are having on the environment and nature can be compared to the impact of a meteorite or a global cosmic catastrophe,” Elena Tilova, expert at Green Balkans said some time ago in..
Bulgaria's mild weather and lack of snow this winter raise the worrying question of climate change and how people can intervene to save this seemingly irreversible process. Moreover, the 15 warmest years on the planet have been recorded in the..
On 15 June at St. Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia, the Bulgarian Biodiversity Foundation will bring together journalists, politicians and experts in a one-day discussion on climate change. They will discuss priorities and measures the country..
Antarctica has inspired a multitude of geographic discoveries of the past. What we call “Antarctica” is, in fact, the region covering the continent Antarctica, plus the waters and the island territories in the Southern Ocean or around 20%..
The Councilor of the United States Department of State Derek Chollet visited Sofia, together with a delegation of high-ranking officials, BTA informs. Derek Chollet’s visit to Bulgaria is a continuation of the bilateral strategic dialogue..
Raya is 36 years old. She graduated from the Classical High School in Sofia, but continued her education in the Netherlands and Great Britain. She has lived in many places in Europe and currently works in the International Labor Organization in..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Stefan Yanev will take part in the World Meeting of Leaders as part of the COP26 UN Climate Change Conference , the government's press office said. The Global Forum will take place on 1 and 2 November in Glasgow, United..
80% of people in Bulgaria do not know what Bulgaria’s position on the Green Deal is, and 83% - what the EU’s aims are in gradually making the economy independent of coal as a source of energy, a survey by Trend research centre shows. 68% of the..