“Bulgaria takes the best care of its refugees out of the entire EU… and from day one they were put up at hotels… it is just that the financing ran out,” caretaker Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov said at the end of last week in an interview..
Ukrainian refugees have time until November 15 to decide whether to go to state-owned accommodation bases. These are hotels where all state employees and their families rest, caretaker Minister of Tourism Ilin Dimitrov told BNT. We..
34,000 places will be made available for Ukrainian refugees to be relocated from their hotels to state structures , interim Interior Minister Ivan Demerdzhiev, who heads the National Headquarters for Refugees, said. State-owned homes along the Black..
In the last days of the month, the largest mass relocation of Ukrainian refugees in Bulgaria is expected to take place - about 35,000 people. This was said in Burgas by the chairman of the Refugee Agency Mariana Tosheva, who is on a working visit to..
The number of Ukrainian citizens with temporary protection in Bulgaria is already higher than the number of those reported by statistics as residing in the country. Half of the Ukrainian refugees accommodated in hotels expected to leave..
As of June 1, the phase of integration of Ukrainian refugees begins, the Chairperson of the State Agency for Refugees Mariana Tosheva said for the BNR. By May 31, the hotels must be vacated and the Ukrainian refugees must be relocated to municipal..
The measure of accommodation at hotels, in place until 31 May, will not be extended. This was announced at a briefing by the government operational coordination group. “Around 6 million people have left Ukraine because of the war. As of..
The Ukrainian citizens who have received temporary protection will be relocated to state and municipal bases across the country at the end of the month , the Bulgaria for Ukraine website reminds. From the very beginning of the measure, the..
April 20 is the deadline by which the owners of hotels with accommodated Ukrainian refugees must receive state aid of BGN 40 per person per day , the Minister of Tourism Hristo Prodanov told BNR. More than 30,000 Ukrainians are currently staying..
At the end of the week, on the Eastern Orthodox Easter, the tourist season on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast will start officially. However, the steady flow of Ukrainian refugees will invariably affect tourists' holidays there. According to..