At the end of June and at the beginning of July, less than 5,000 people were registered in the labour offices, while the number of newly employed was twice higher - more 10,000. According to Atanaska Todorova, a labour market expert at the..
The largest Bulgarian trade union CITUB (Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria) has requested an extraordinary meeting of the Consultative Council for the European Green Deal , because of the Road Map to climate neutrality. The union is..
Tradeunions demanded that one billion leva (€500 million) be allocated in the budget update for wage increases. Otherwise there will be a series of protests in many sectors. This was announced by the president of one of the largest..
Bulgaria has the sixth highest inflation in the EU . I n April, inflation reached 14.4 % year on year , whereas the EU average was 8.1%, reads an analysis by the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) regarding the..
Incomes should increase with at least 12%-15% on an annual basis, so they can reach decent levels. In five years, the average monthly salary should reach EUR 1,685 and the minimum salary shold amount to EUR 870, the President of the Confederation of..
Bulgaria’s trade unions welcome the decision of the authorities to allocate more money for social polcicies between the first and the second reading of the 2022 state budget. Meanwhile , however, they are calling on them to allocate..
The tripartite cooperation council did not reach accord on extending the differentiated VAT rate until the end of the pandemic. The caretaker cabinet wants the tax to be 9% for food and non-alcoholic beverages served at eating and drinking..
Inflation in Bulgaria is gaining momentum and prices continue to rise. The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) forecasts that annual inflation will exceed 6%. CITUB insists that the 2021 state budget be amended for the second..
Employers, trade unions and citizens have staged protests demanding immediate compensations for the high electricity prices. The protesters blocked traffic in central Sofia. The electricity price on the independent energy exchange hit record..
A minimum monthly salary of 388 euro as of 1 January, 2022. This is what the biggest trade union in the country, the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) is demanding. The increase from the current minimum monthly..