The mortgage system in Bulgaria is not transparent and very complex. A European Parliament delegation has come to this conclusion after a visit to the country in February. Among the problems are misleading behavior of private banks such as failure to..
80% fewer tourists have spent their summer holidays in Bulgaria due to the coronavirus epidemic, and 30% of the staff in the tourism industry have lost their jobs, these are the figures presented by Polina Karastoyanova, Executive Director of the..
The banking system has not been directly hit by the coronavirus crisis. At the moment it is stable and there is no increase in interest rates on loans, banker Levon Hampartzoumian has told bTV. Comparing the current financial crisis with the..
Five major Bulgarian commercial banks are to go under the direct supervision of the European Central Bank as of October 1, 2020 , BNR reports. This is part of the cooperation of the Bulgarian National Bank with the European financial institution on the..
Banks' interest incomes on loans have decreased, while their interest expenses on deposits are on the rise. In the near future, the trend of deposit growth and slowdown in lending activity will continue to develop. This is the forecast of the..
Loans totaling more than 4 billion euros are temporarily under a moratorium due to the Covid-19 crisis. Most of the deferred liabilities belong to companies. EUR 850 million are present in the accounts of individuals, the Bulgarian National Bank..
Interest rates on loans and deposits will not change, the Association of Commercial Banks forecasts. Compared to 2019, there is a decline in interest rates. Interest rates on housing loans for households are already below 3%, and on deposits - 0.02..
The President of the Association of Banks in Bulgaria, Peter Andronov, said that the banking system in the country was stable and in recent years has accumulated buffers and reserves, which allow it to face difficulties in this period. In the..
For the first 3 days of the implementation of the bank loan rescheduling measure, more than 20,000 citizens and companies have wished to use the relief. The Association of Banks in Bulgaria recalls that rescheduling of repayment installments..
The government fund, set up to manage 600 million euros /BGN 1.2 billion/ under four EU-co-financed operational programs, has announced that it is providing banks with 85 million euros /BGN 170 million/ as guarantee to support small and..