The National Assembly approved the Denkov-Gabriel cabinet , dubbed “a marriage of convenience” between We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB) and GERB/SDS, taking power out of the hands of the latest in the string of caretaker..
The plenary session of Bulgaria's Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) unanimously accepted as admissible the second proposal for early release of the prosecutor general Ivan Geshev . Both requests were made by members of the Council's Prosecuting Authority...
The Courthouse has a unit for external surveillance, which is led by the former director of the Internal Security Directorate, Stefan Bankov, who was fired in 2021 for violating the Code of Ethics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Deputy Chief..
Caretaker Minister of Justice Krum Zarkov announced on Facebook that he had put the state seal on President Rumen Radev's decree for the promulgation in State Gazette of the law amending the Criminal Procedure Code, introducing a mechanism for..
Bulgaria's Prosecutor General has submitted a request to the Constitutional Court to interpret whether it is admissible for the Supreme Judicial Council, whose mandate has expired, to make personnel decisions for the senior magistrates in the..
The Supreme Judicial Council, SJC, has ruled as admissible the proposal for the dismissal of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev. Supreme Judicial Council’s prosecutors’ college seeks dismissal of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev The storm in..
The parliamentary committee on legal affairs approved, at first reading, the amendments putting in place a mechanism for investigating the prosecutor general of Bulgaria. The bill was passed with 191 votes in favour, none against and 33 abstentions..
“Shame, I never imagined that in a country that is a member of the EU, we have to go back in time tens of years and start fighting a battle for independence all over again,” Galina Zaharova, chair of the Supreme Court of Cassation told reporters..
The week started in this country with a veritable storm in the upper echelons of the state. This time the epicenter of the storm was the prosecutor’s office, whose administrative leader, Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev called a special press..
“Who the prosecutor general of Bulgaria is should not be at the centre of the debate on the judicial reform,” caretaker Prime Minister Galab Donev told reporters in a comment on the proposal by six members of the Supreme Judicial Council’s..