A protest against the Covid-19 Green Certificate is taking place in front of the Ministry of Health building in central Sofia. Police have cordoned off the entrance of the building. Protesters are demanding the resignation of Bulgaria’s..
There is a conflict between the Labor Code and the new measures, which require a green certificate from workers in order to have the right to work. This will lead to many lawsuits, CITUB National Secretary Velichka Mikova has told the..
Medics from emergency centers across the country and Covid wards protested in front of the Ministry of Health. They want a 40% salary rise and recognition of their work as the highest category in the retirement plan, as well as..
The situation with the coronavirus is uncontrollable. The new cases will reach over 4,000 a day. By the end of the month the capacity of the hospitals will be 100% exhausted. This is what the mathematician from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Ognyan..
On Monday, October 18, Minister of Health Stoycho Katsarov convenes an extraordinary meeting of the Expert Council on Epidemiology, at which the tightening of anti-Covid measures, according to proposals by the Chief State Health..
As of October 14, temporary stricter anti-epidemic measures will be introduced in Sofia due to the reached 14-day morbidity over 509.3 per 100,000 persons of the population in the city. Among the measures are the suspension of group..
Specific anti-epidemic measures must be implemented at local level, not strict restrictive measures for all. This is the position expressed by the Minister of Health Stoycho Katsarov at a briefing on the current Covid-19 situation in..
As of October 14, temporary anti-epidemic measures will be introduced on the territory of Sofia-city, the Sofia Regional Health Inspectorate has decided. The currently allowed group extracurricular activities are suspended, and in case of increased..
No tightening of the anti-coronavirus measures in the city of Sofia is planned for the time being, though control of their enforcement is to be tightened, the Sofia operational headquarters has decided. Sofia entered the dark-red Covid zone..
Epidemiology experts and representatives of regional health inspectorates have gathered at a meeting today to discuss additional measures against the spread of coronavirus amongst teachers and students and stricter control for the others, the Chief..