Within the framework of the Munich Security Conference, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov met with Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Zöder. During the conversation, PM Borissov pointed out that Bulgaria was the only country that has coped with illegal..
Bulgaria, Greece and Cyprus have called on the EU not to neglect the rise in migration flows across the Eastern Mediterranean. Following today's session of the Justice and Home Affairs Council in Luxembourg, the interior ministers of the three..
The enlargement towards the Western Balkans shouldn’t be neglected by the EU, Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev and Austria’s head of state Alexander van der Bellen agreed at a meeting in Vienna. President Radev reminded that Bulgaria firmly supports..
Bulgarian Minister of Interior Mladen Marinov has said that the current migrant pressure situation in this country is complicated. Minister Marinov made the statement after meeting with Greece's Minister responsible for Migration, George Koumoutsakos...
We are ready to react if the refugee pressure on the Bulgaria-Turkey border increases, Bulgaria’s Deputy Premier and Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov said. Minister Karakachanov commented the statement of Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan that..
Bulgaria’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva and this country’s Minister of Interior Mladen Marinov participated at an informal meeting of the EU Foreign Affairs and Interior Ministers in Paris on topical problems of migration in the..
Migration processes through the country are calm and predictable and the Bulgarian authorities fully control the situation at borders. This is what Bulgarian Minister of Interior Mladen Marinov said at a round table dedicated to "Protection of EU..
The number of Bulgarians willing to emigrate has decreased, a survey of Ivan Hadjiiski Institute initiated by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation shows. In 2002 fourteen per cent of the surveyed Bulgarians said they would not emigrate, while in 2018 sixty..
The National Assembly Committee on Internal Security and Public Order, the International Center for Migration Policy Development, Konrad-Adenauer Foundation and Hanns Seidel Foundation are holding in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia a round table themed..
A report of the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) on in 2016 and 2017 shows that Romania is first in the chart of the top number of settlers with 432,852 people, followed by Poland with 316,275. Bulgaria is third with 158,761..