During the second quarter of 2020, the total income of Bulgarian households has gone up by almost 10% year-on-year, indicates a study by the National Statistical Institute. At the same time compared to the second quarter of 2019, the money..
A total of 2030 tourist sites-hotels, motels, camp sites and other places of accommodation functioned during the first summer month against the backdrop of the emergency epidemic situation. According to data of the National Statistical Institute,..
In June 2020, Bulgaria’s processing industry grew as compared to the previous month (May 2020). According to data of the National Statistical Institute, the manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers increased with 73.2% month on month..
Bulgaria’s total exports in the first 5 months of 2020 has decreased with 8.1% to nearly EUR 10.5 billion as compared to the same period in 2019 which was due to the coronavirus epidemic, preliminary data of the National Statistical Institute show...
Producer prices in Bulgaria in May 2020 continue to decline. This is shown by the data of the National Statistical Institute. On an annual basis, the general index of producer prices in the country in May decreased by 5.3% after falling by 4.3% in April..
The economic situation in Bulgaria in April continues to be assessed by consumers as unfavourable, the National Statistical Institute has announced. In a state of emergency, pessimism is growing in assessments compared to January. Consumer confidence has..
Economic growth in Bulgaria has slowed in the first quarter of 2020, mainly due to weaker final consumption even before the coronavirus pandemic, which severely affected both Bulgaria and the economies of Bulgaria's main trading partner s. This is..
49.1% of the Bulgarian hotels are planning to offer their clients an alternative period to use their holiday bookings. 62.9% intend to reduce the price of package services and 46,7% are planning to cut prices of accommodation, data of a survey..
The average life expectancy at birth in Bulgaria calculated for the period 2017-2019 is 74.9 years, or 0.1 years higher as compared to the previous period (2016-2018), the National Statistical Institute announced. Life expectancy at birth indicates..
A total of 5,806 people participated in the electronic census of Bulgaria's population and housing stock survey conducted between April 20 and April 30 in Bulgaria, Bulgaria's National Statistical Institute (NSI) reports . A total of 4,381 households..