The National Statistical Institute announced that it will connect part of its data with the statistical institutes of France, Italy and Ireland within the frameworks of a project financed by Eurostat. The exchange of data among the four will concern..
Inflation in September compared to August stands at 0.3 percent, the National Statistical Institute says. Since the beginning of the year (September 2018, compared to December 2017), inflation is 2.1 percent, and inflation year-on-year..
A new survey conducted by the National Statistical Institute themed “Demographics of Enterprises” has found that almost half of actively operating companies in Bulgaria do not have a single employee and only their owners work in them. The survey..
In July the general business climate indicator in the country remains at the approximate same level as the previous month, National Statistical Institute data indicate. There is an improvement in the business environment in construction,..
The consumer price index for June 2018, compared to May 2018 is 100.1 percent, i.e. a monthly inflation rate of 0.1 percent, the National Statistical Institute says. The inflation rate since the beginning of the year (June 2018, compared to..
The average size of insurable earnings in Bulgaria for April 2018 is 893.27 Leva /457 euro/, the National Statistical Institute says. The average monthly insurable earnings for the period from 1 May, 2017 to 30 April, 2018 stood at 843.84 Leva..
Bulgaria’s debt for 2017 stands at 25.06 bn Leva /12.8 bn euro/, or 25.4 percent of the country’s GDP, preliminary National Statistical Institute (NSI) estimates indicate. General government has a budget surplus of 920 mln Leva /470 mln..
Inflation in Bulgaria since the beginning of the year (March 2018 compared to December 2017) is 0.3 percent, and annual inflation for March 2018 compared to March 2017 stands at 2.2 percent , National Statistical Institute figures indicate...
A National Statistical Institute survey conducted at industrial enterprises in Bulgaria in March 2018 shows an enhanced investment activity in 2017. Expenditures for acquiring assets in industry in 2017 marked a 7.4 increase compared to one..
In March 2018 the industrial confidence indicator rose slightly with 0.2 basis points as compared to the previous month, the National Statistical Institute announced. In January this year industrial production increased with 3.5% year on year. However,..