Bulgaria remains one of the countries with a high level of corruption in the public sector, indicates the Corruption Perceptions Index 2024 published by Transparency International. With a score of 43, Bulgaria ranks 76 th out of 180 countries..
According to Transparency International, the way the first round of the election for municipal councilors and mayors was conducted once more highlights significant problems which call into question the fairness of the electoral process. The..
In the Corruption Index for 2022 of the international organization "Transparency International", Bulgaria is in 72nd place with an index of 43 points. In the last place among the countries of the European Union is Hungary. According to..
People in Bulgaria point to political corruption, misuse of public funds and judicial corruption as the biggest public problems out of all forms of corruption. 71.2 percent of respondents say they want investigations to reach up to the highest..
According to Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), Bulgaria has a higher perception of corruption than any other EU country. Though Bulgaria has been making some progress on the CPI in recent years, the country has..
Bulgaria is 75th out of 176 countries and the most backward of all 28 members of the European Union, reads the Corruption Perceptions Index 2016 published by "Transparency International". According to Kalin Slavov, CEO of "Transparency without Borders",..
The judiciary is the most corrupt sector in Bulgaria according to the Global Corruption Barometer by Transparency International for 2016. One out of three respondents sees corruption risks in the system. After the judiciary in the corruption chart next..