According to the Annual Report on the Health Status of Bulgarian Citizens for 2023, t he main cause of death in Bulgaria is diseases of the cardiovascular system (61.1%), followed by oncological diseases (16.5%) and diseases of the respiratory system..
The report of the Council of Ministers on the implementation of the "Demographic Development Strategy" in 2023 indicates that for the first time in 38 years, the ratio between population growth and decline in Bulgaria is almost zero. According to..
In 2022, for the first time in recent years, there is an increase in the incidence of malignant neoplasms , according to the 2022 Annual Report on the State of Citizens' Health approved today by the government. The incidence of breast cancer,..
There is no statistical and demographic indicator to determine when a nation is on its way to extinction, Magdalena Kostova, director of the Demographic Research Directorate at the National Statistical Institute explains . At different times in..
Birth rate in Bulgaria keeps declining as it is 8.5 per 1,000 people, which remains lower than the EU rate (9.1 per 1,000), according to the 2021 Annual Report on the State of Citizens' Health, approved by the government. The document..
The number of births in Bulgaria did not rise during the coronavirus pandemic. This is what an analysis of the Hospital Index shows. In 2020, the number of births in this country was 53,968, or 794 less in comparison to 2019. That is..
The Bulgarian cabinet has adopted an annual report on the health status of Bulgarian citizens and the implementation of the country's health strategy for 2018. The document delineates a clear trend towards reducing child mortality, which from 13.3 per..
In 2017 a total of 57 175 babies were born in Bulgaria. This way Bulgaria has marked a record-low birth rate for the whole period after 1945. In the period January 2017 to January 2018, babies born in this country were nearly 8,000 less than in 2016...