Protests could erupt if the National Assembly fails to approve this year's state budget, Lyuboslav Kostov, chief economist at the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria (CITUB), said in an interview with BNR. "Once again, the budget..
The compulsory Third Party Liability insurance for car owners may become more expensive due to changes in the Insurance Code, submitted by the government in parliament. This warning came from insurers who are dissatisfied with the planned removal of..
All non-household consumers will be compensated for the high cost of electricity by the end of the year, the government has decided. The European Commission has given the green light for the subsidy, the energy minister said. According to..
The government is working to reduce as much as possible the time taken to pay compensation to victims of the country's recent fires. All those affected will be able to receive up to BGN 1 578 (EUR 800) from the Social Assistance Agency for emergency..
The European Public Prosecutor's Office in Sofia has conducted searches at two hotels in a Bulgarian ski resort as part of an investigation into fraud involving EU subsidies for Covid-19, reports BNR's Brussels correspondent Angelina Piskova. The money..
Bulgaria’s government has decided to pay compensation to Simeon Saxe-Coburg Gotha and his sister Maria-Luisa Ch robok, children of King Boris III and Queen G iovanna of Savoy, following a judgment against the state by the European Court..
Representatives of the livestock breeding sector in Bulgaria have threatened with protests on the day of the local elections - October 29, if by the end of the week they do not receive their outstanding compensation due to the consequences of the war in..
Before harvest, Bulgaria will receive 16 million euros from the European Commission to compensate grain producers for their production left in storage because of the Ukrainian grain duty-free dumping. This is what Agriculture Minister Yavor Gechev..
With 7 votes "in favour" and 12 abstentions, the parliamentary energy commission has rejected GERB-SDS's proposal to provide state aid due to the expensive electricity to municipalities, hospitals, kindergartens, schools and religious institutions. The..
Almost 240,000 jobs will be saved thanks to the "60/40" measure, Bulgaria's Ministry of Labour and Social Policy has announced. A total of 14,351 applications have already been received from employers for compensation for maintaining the jobs of their..