The topic of quality in preschool and school education is of great importance for Bulgaria, but there is no quality standard in the Pre-school and School Education Act. Its creation is a task of the Ministry of Science and Education..
77 per cent of those employed in Bulgaria's secondary education system are ready to go out on strike demanding a pay rise in the sector, according to a national survey by Podkrepa trade union. Half of those surveyed are in favour of a nation-wide..
“You have the challenging but noble mission to mould knowledgeable, competent and highly responsible individuals, but most of all good and honest people, worthy citizens of the country and of the world,” said Education Minister Galin Tsokov in an..
After the start of the school year – in Bulgaria it is always on 15 September – comes the start of the new academic year for university students, with most higher educational establishments in the country opening doors on 1 October. In that two-week..
On the first day of school, caretaker Minister of Education and Science Prof. Galin Tsokov greeted principals, school teachers and educational specialists at educational establishments, first graders and students, and parents. Calling the day a..
The new school year will start with a significant shortage of teachers - about 200 in Sofia alone and nearly 1,000 in the rest of the country. This was announced by Assen Alexandrov, chairman of the Association of Directors in Secondary Education, who..
The conference "The work of Swiss teachers - a message and a challenge for future generations" was held today . It was organised by the National Sports Academy "Vasil Levski" and the Swiss Embassy and is dedicated to the 130th anniversary of the arrival..
An open lesson on patriotism at the St. St. Cyril and Methodius Bulgarian Sunday School in Libson put an end to the educational forum in the Portuguese capital, which brought together teachers from Bulgarian Sunday schools abroad, experts from..
Since 2017, the Bulgarian national minority has been officially recognized by the Albanian state, and since June 2023, its representative in the Committee of National Minorities in Albania is Milena Selimi - writer, translator, journalist, with..
September has already started and the Bulgarian children living abroad are returning to the Saturday-Sunday Bulgarian schools, where they will accumulate knowledge of the Bulgarian language, history, culture and traditions. "We have accumulated..