While Bulgaria is going through yet another political crisis, the sense of impasse is deepening and the division and discontent in society prevail, there is one sector that has managed to break this ominous pattern - tourism . In 2024, Bulgaria not..
The Burgas Regional Chamber of Tourism insist that the authorities prepare, adopt and implement the so-called "Covid-19" protocol for serving foreign tourists on the territory of Bulgaria. This protocol should establish clear rules in the work of..
Future Covid-19 restrictions imposed on the tourism industry must be bound by economic measures entering into force from day one, reads a position of Bulgaria’s Ministry of Tourism. As the fourth wave of Covid-19 is near, the long-term recovery of the..
What tourists are looking for right now is safety and predictability. Prices, additional attractions, quality of services and other factors that used to shape tourist behavior before the Covid crisis are no longer valid, says Ivan Groshev,..
Updated anti-epidemic measures in place as of today As of today until the end of June, in accordance with the orders issued by Minister of Health Kiril Ananiev, wearing a mask remains mandatory on public transport, in pharmacies and medical..
The Covid-19 pandemic left over 1,400 tour guides jobless due to the travel restrictions introduced for tourists from other countries and Bulgarians who have chosen to visit particular destination. The people known as “little ambassadors” are worried..
Representatives of Bulgaria’s tourism industry are expecting that the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first half of 2018 will have positive effect on the image of this country and will result in higher revenues from..