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Iliana Yotova

Bulgarian virtual festival “In the town square of the other Bulgaria”

The first of its kind two-day virtual festival “In the town square of the other Bulgaria” was launched in Verona, Italy. Bulgarian folklore, presented by Bulgarians from all corners of the globe will be streamed on YouTube.  At the opening of the..

20.06.20 15:44 |
Ramadan Bayram prayers under the open sky in Kurdzhali

Covid-19 in Bulgaria: Day 78

Bulgaria celebrates 24 May without mass festivities Events celebrating the Day of the Slavonic Alphabet, Bulgarian Education and Culture were organized throughout Bulgaria, as well as by Bulgarians around the world. The..

24.05.20 17:25 |
President Radev and Vice-President Yotova laid flowers at the monument to saints Cyril and Methodius in front of the national library.

Vice-President: With the power of Bulgarian education and culture we shall overcome the crisis

“With the power of Bulgarian education and culture we shall overcome the current crisis. We, as institutions are in the debt of Bulgarian culture. As citizens we need to help it survive in the coming months,” said Vice-President Iliana..

24.05.20 12:35 |

Iliana Yotova préconise la création d'un cellule de crise économique

Un état-major économique permanent et un planning détaillé des mesures que la Bulgarie prendra dans les prochains mois pour surmonter la crise du Covid-19, c'est ce que préconise la vice-présidente de la République Iliana Yotova. ''La crise économique et..

18.05.20 10:51 |

Vice President Yotova wants economic headquarters established

A permanent economic headquarters and a detailed timeline of measures that Bulgaria would take in the coming months to overcome the Covid-19 crisis is what Vice President Iliana Yotova has called for. The economic and social crisis is knocking..

18.05.20 10:45 |

Iliana Yotova invite les Bulgares de l'étranger à un forum virtuel à l'occasion du 24 mai

Un forum virtuel pour les Bulgares à l'étranger est organisé par la vice-présidente de la République Iliana Yotova. Les mots de Constantin-Cyrille le Phylosophe "Tous les peuples sont nus sans livres" ont été choisis comme titre du forum. L'occasion est le..

05.05.20 13:35 |
Vice-President Iliana Yotova

Vice-President Yotova invites Bulgarian children living abroad to a virtual forum for the Day of Bulgarian Culture and Slavonic Alphabet

Vice-President Iliana Yotova is organizing a virtual forum for Bulgarians living abroad. The title chosen for the forum are the words of Constantine Cyril the Philosopher “Naked are all people without books”. The forum is organized on the..

05.05.20 13:28 |
Vice President Iliana Yotova

Vice President Iliana Yotova: We continue to have no anti-crisis strategy

Bulgaria needs to establish headquarters which has to work on the policy aimed at exiting the severe social and economic crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, this country’s Vice President Iliana Yotova said in an interview for the Bulgarian..

02.05.20 11:20 |
Vice President Iliana Yotova

Forum of Bulgarians abroad postponed over coronavirus

We may be fated to live in isolation, but not in indolence. We can each do something to help. Now everyone is a hero, said Vice President Iliana Yotova, addressing Bulgarians living abroad. For us it is important that, at this time,..

09.04.20 16:24 |
Bulgaria's Vice President Iliana Yotova

Vice President Iliana Yotova criticizes EU’s reaction in relation with COVID-19

In an interview for the Bulgarian National Radio this country’s Vice President Iliana Yotova criticized the EU’s reaction and lack of leadership in the fight against the new coronavirus. In Iliana Yotova’s words, collective measures had to be taken at..

16.03.20 15:17 |
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