“Nexo is a Swiss company and it is registered in Switzerland which means the National Revenue Agency cannot check up, in Switzerland, on any company,” Boris Mihaylov, head of the National Revenue Agency stated in parliament. Answering a..
Distribution of drugs near schools and the number of serious accidents caused by drivers under the influence of drugs threaten our national security and worry the citizens , Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev said, commenting on the..
The prosecutor's office has no evidence that the Bulgarian border can be crossed in exchange for 50 euros, Procecutor General Ivan Geshev has announced, commented a statement made by Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte to NOS Nieuws to justify Amsterdam's..
2072 persona kanë vdekur në rrugët e Bullgarisë që nga viti 2019, u njoftua në një forum në Sofje të organizuar nga organizata joqeveritare Instituti për Sigurinë Rrugore. "Bullgarët po vdesin, më shumë se në një konflikt ushtarak. Unë e di..
Prokurori i përgjithshëm Ivan Geshev njoftoi në Twitter se një rrjet pornografie për fëmijë është shkatërruar dhe përgëzoi prokurorët dhe hetuesit nga Njësia e Krimeve Kibernetike për rezultatin e operacionit. Veprimet tona duhet të jenë pa..
Lawyer Nikolay Khadzhigenov, defender of the former mayor of Sofia's Mladost district Desislava Ivancheva, has submitted a request to the president for her pardoning , he himself announced on social networks. Ivancheva was taken to the Sliven prison..
In all district prosecutor's offices, groups will be established to counter organized crime, the press center of the Prosecutor's Office reports. Speaking at the National Conference on "Activation and organizational actions of..
"Institutions must contribute to the fight against crime instead of indulging in mutual accusations". This was stated by Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev at the forum "Justice in the future: prosecutors and students discuss law" in the town of Pleven...
"For months, or perhaps for more than a year, an alarming rise in crime has been noticed; migrant pressure and crimes related to the migrant crisis are on the rise, as well as drug trafficking," Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev has told journalists. He..
The Constitutional Court unanimously rejected the request of Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev and did not waive the provision that the prosecutor be heard at least once every three months by the legal committee in parliament. The prerogative of the..