Fermierii bulgari organizează astăzi un protest la nivel național față de decizia Adunării Naționale de a relua importurile de produse agricole din Ucraina. Ei vor bloca mai multe drumuri. Marți, aceștia urmează să protesteze în fața clădirii Consiliului de..
Bulgarian farmers are staging a nationwide protest today over the decision of the National Assembly to resume imports of agricultural products from Ukraine. They will block a number of roads. On Tuesday, the are to protest in front of the Council of..
Parents and relatives of road traffic victims protested again in Sofia. They insist that measures be taken to reduce traffic accidents resulting in death and injuries. The protesters gathered in front of the former Party House, which houses the..
Hours after he made the categorical statement that he does not negotiate with terrorists, Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov said he would invite the grain growers "to a subsequent meeting" and said he hoped they would respond. The reason for the row is..
Premierul Nikolay Denkov i-a invitat la o întâlnire, care trebuie să aibă loc astăzi, pe producîtorii de cereale nemulțumiți de importul permis de cereale din Ucraina. Potrivit acestuia, de lucrătorii din industrie depinde dacă vor continua sau nu..
Grain producers, dissatisfied with MPs decision to waive the ban on imports of Ukrainian produce, have sent a letter to Prime Minister Nikolai Denkov , stating that they refused to meet with him, he told BNT. The prime minister invited them to a meeting..
Bulgaria's Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov invited the grain growers to a meeting, which is expected to take place today. In his words, it is up to those employed in the grain industry to continue the dialogue. "The protest of the grain growers..
Producătorii de cereale convoacă un protest, după ce Continuăm Schimbarea/Bulgaria Democratică (PP/DB), GERB, plus Mișcarea pentru Drepturi și Libertăți (DPS) au propus permiterea importului de cereale ucrainene în Bulgaria după 15 septembrie. Potrivit..
Grain producers are calling a protest, after We Continue the Change/Democratic Bulgaria (PP/DB), GERB, plus the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) proposed allowing the import of Ukrainian grain into Bulgaria after 15 September. PP-DB,..
Citizens protested in front of the Monument to the Soviet Army in central Sofia. They demanded that it be removed immediately from Knyazhevska Garden. The demonstration coincided with the date of the coup d'état of September 9, 1944, carried out..