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Admiral Emil Eftimov

Two transport corridors are a priority to deploy NATO forces

Russia's war in Ukraine led to NATO's acceptance of an adapted forward presence package in Bulgaria and Romania. "We started talking about the Maritime Coordination Center in Varna, about intensified air policing, about a multinational division in..

16.01.24 12:08 |

More Bulgarian military deployments abroad in 2024 under discussion, says Defence Minister

Defence Minister Todor Tagarev and Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Emil Eftimov have congratulated the Bulgarian military on the upcoming Christmas and New Year holidays from the NATO and EU missions in Bosnia and Herzegovina - ALTHEA, Kosovo - KFOR and..

21.12.23 13:04 |
Șeful apărării amiral Emil Eftimov

Bulgaria nu va furniza Ucrainei sistemele sale S-300

Nu avem nicio intenție de a oferi întregul complex de rachete S-300 Ucrainei, a declarat șeful Apărării din Bulgaria, amiralul Emil Eftimov. Rachetele S-300 defecte pe care discutăm să le trimitem Ucrainei reprezintă între 3 și 5% din cantitatea totală..

27.09.23 14:45 |
Admiral Emil Eftimov

Bulgaria will not provide Ukraine with its S-300 systems

We have no intention of giving the entire S-300 missile complex to Ukraine, Bulgaria's Chief of Defense, Adm. Emil Eftimov said. The defective S-300 missiles that we are discussing to send to Ukraine are between 3 and 5% of the total quantity available..

27.09.23 11:49 |
Amiral Emil Eftimov

Amiral Emil Eftimov: Este nevoie de un Centru de coordonare NATO pentru Marea Neagră

În cadrul conferinței Comitetului Militar al NATO de la Oslo, șeful Apărării, amiralul Emil Eftimov, a ridicat problema necesității înființării unui Centru de coordonare al Alianței, pentru Marea Neagră și a confirmat disponibilitatea țării noastre de..

18.09.23 11:30 |

President Radev and War Minister Tagarev discuss the state of Bulgarian army

At a meeting held at the Presidential Palace, President Rumen Radev, Defense Minister Todor Tagarev and Chief of Defence Admiral Emil Eftimov discussed options for urgent measures to provide personnel for the Bulgarian army and speed up its..

08.08.23 18:15 |

Five Macedonian soldiers graduated from the Bulgarian Military Academy

"The war that has been raging near our borders for a year and a half now is a clear reminder that defending national and allied interests will be more and more challenging and increasingly responsible task, President Rumen Radev said at the ceremony of..

30.07.23 12:19 |

Sommet de l’OTAN : le premier ministre et le ministre de la Défense sont à Vilnius

Le premier ministre Nikolay Denkov est en tête de la délégation bulgare qui est arrivée  à Vilnius, en Lituanie, pour le sommet de l’OTAN. Le ministre de la Défense Todor Tagarev, le chef de la défense l’amiral Emil Eftimov et le vice-ministre de..

11.07.23 08:00 |

Bulgarian Prime Minister and Defence Minister are in Vilnius for the NATO Summit

Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov heads the Bulgarian delegation in Vilnius for the NATO 2023 summit , which will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday. Among the members of the delegation are Defence Minister Todor Tagarev, Defence Chief Admiral Emil..

11.07.23 07:40 |

Todor Tagarev: "Allies must help us to ensure the security of the Black Sea"

"Bulgaria must enable our allies to help us strengthen the security of the Black Sea basin through intelligence assets and kinetic actions."  This was stated by Defence Minister Todor Tagarev at a meeting with Bulgarian military attachés , in the presence..

03.07.23 14:10 |
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