"We are saving the energy balance of the system," the president of the trade union "Podkrepa" Dimitar Manolov told BNR on the occasion of the protests of energy workers and miners. "At the moment, the thermal power plants provide between 40 and..
The miners and energy workers continue the blockades of the Trakia highway, the Sub-Balkan road and the Pass of the Republic for the third day. They are demanding a review of energy plans and development plans for coal mining regions. On Saturday, the..
Hoy debemos aprobar los planes territorializados y mañana enviarlos a la Comisión Europea, ha declarado el primer ministro, Nikolay Denkov, en la conferencia Spinoff Bulgaria celebrada en Sofía. "Si no se aprueban, Bulgaria podría perder más de 700..
Noul sezon politic abia a început și totuși, în fiecare zi au loc diverse acțiuni de protest în fața clădirii parlamentului. Astăzi, 19 septembrie, minerii și lucrătorii din domeniul energiei blochează centrul Sofiei. Protestul este organizat de cele mai..
Hundreds of coal miners and energy workers from across the country gathered for a protest in the so-called "Triangle of Power" - the space between the Council of Ministers, the Presidency and the parliament building, BGNES reports. "For a clear and..
Miners and energy workers will come out for a national protest today for the preservation of coal mining and against the premature closure of capacities in the coal mining sector. The protest is organized by the two largest trade unions in Bulgaria -..
Bulgaristan Ulusal Radyosu BNR’ye konuşan KT “Podkrepa” Başkanı Dimitır Manolov, “Emeklilik sisteminin ciddi bir analize ihtiyacı var - sessiz, uzman ve siyasi alıştırmalar olmadan” s özlerini kullandı . Manolov’a göre, kümülatif deneyim..
Against the backdrop of the July heat, the heated arguments about the 2023 budget continue. By July 25, when the National Assembly must finally vote on the state's financial framework, a decision must be reached on the increase of income in the budget..
Μέλη της συνδικαλιστικής οργάνωσης Συνομοσπονδία Ανεξάρτητων Συνδικάτων της Βουλγαρίας - KNSB, πραγματοποίησαν συγκέντρωση διαμαρτυρίας μπροστά στην είσοδο της Βουλής. Με σύνθημα «Για δίκαια εισοδήματα στον Προϋπολογισμό 2023», οι διαδηλωτές..
The government approved the draft of the state budget for 2023 which has to be endorsed by the National Assembly by the end of July. However, its basic parameters dashed the hopes of any pay raises, particularly in key sectors that are underfinanced...