The Bulgarian sailors kidnapped by Yemen’s Houthis are not on board the "Galaxy Leader" anymore. This was what Ahmed Shamar, Charge d'Affairs of the Yemeni Embassy in Sofia, has told "Nova TV". Now the ship has been turned by the Houthis into a..
President Rumen Radev discussed the current security situation in the Red Sea region with the heads of the armed forces, BTA news agency reported. The officials assessed the risks of escalation in the region and its impact on the situation of the..
El presidente búlgaro Rumen Radev ha analizado junto a los jefes de los servicios de seguridad el actual entorno de seguridad en la región del mar Rojo, informa BTA. En la reunión se han evaluado los riesgos de escalada de las tensiones en la zona y..
Forțele navale indiene au evacuat un membru al echipajului de pe nava deturnată "Ruen", a anunțat compania maritimă bulgară Parahodstvo Balgarski Morski Flot. Bărbatul a fost transferat pe o navă militară și primește asistență medicală. Echipa..
Yemen, Sokotra adasının 400 deniz mili doğusunda kimliği belirsiz kişiler tarafından ele geçirilen “Ruen” gemisi hala onu kaçıranların kontrolünde bulunuyor. Gemideki mürettebatta sekiz kişinin Bulgar olduğu açıklanırken, “Bulgaristan deniz..
The crewmen of the Ruen, the Bulgarian ship hijacked off the coast of Yemen, are not believed to be in immediate danger, Bulgarian National Radio correspondent Daniela Stoynova reported from Varna. Eight Bulgarian sailors are among the international..
En relación con el barco Rúen que ayer fue secuestrado por sujetos no identificados a unas 400 millas marinas al este de la isla de Socotra, Yemen, desde la empresa naviera Flota Marina Búlgara han informado que están en contacto con las familias de..
A Bulgarian bulk carrier was boarded on Thursday after being involved in an incident in the Arabian Sea off the Yemeni island of Socotra , British maritime security company Ambrey said, quoted by Reuters. It is a Maltese flagged vessel owned by..
The tanker Central Park with two Bulgarian sailors on board, which was hijacked yesterday by unknown armed attackers in the Gulf of Aden, is now safe . A US warship responded to a distress call and the vessel was freed, Reuters and the Guardian..
El barco secuestrado, Galaxy Leader, cuya tripulación incluye a dos búlgaros, se encuentra en el puerto yemení de Hudeidah, informaron sus propietarios de la empresa Galaxy Maritime, citado por Reuters. Según ellos, el barco fue desviado hacia la..