Exactly two years ago, Radio Bulgaria wrote about the start of filming of the first Bulgarian feature film shot entirely in the USA with a mainly American crew. From the end of October, Scent of Linden be seen in cinemas in Bulgaria, and as of this..
This year, the traditions are not what they used to be and for the first time the Festival of Bulgarian Cinema in Rome is taking place not at the beginning, but at the end of summer. The reason is that the venue for all the screenings..
The Golden Rose Bulgarian Cinema Festival was opened in Varna with the premiere of the documentary film "The Last Glarus". In the 41st edition of this oldest Bulgarian film forum, more than 60 Bulgarian titles will be shown on the screen, many of..
Autoritățile investighează un caz în care sunt implicați susținători ai partidului Renaștere, după ce aceștia au luat cu asalt cinematograful Odeon în timpul proiecției unui film din programul Sofia Pride Film Fest, a declarat ministrul justiției, Atanas..
Bulgaria has its place in the film market accompanying the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival. The Bulgarian representative pavilion is shared together with Cyprus and six other Balkan countries - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia,..
Jurnalistul de investigație bulgar Hristo Grozev împreună cu echipa filmului „Navalny” au câștigat „Oscarul” la categoria „Documentar”. Cu o lună mai devreme, producția a fost distinsă cu prestigiosul premiu britanic BAFTA, dar bulgarul urmărit de Rusia..
"Two men and a crow trapped in a snowstorm at the end of the world try to unravel a mystery as it slowly consumes them..." From January 20, the new Bulgarian film "January" is in theatres across the country . It is based on the play of the same..
The Sofia MENAR Festival for films from the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa will start on January 16 in Sofia with the premiere of the Bulgarian documentary "The Spirit of Scheherazade" by Katerina Borisova. The film is..
Today, January 13, we celebrate the Day of Bulgarian Cinema and the professional holiday of everyone involved in film production in Bulgaria . The date is related to the premiere in 1915 of the first Bulgarian feature film entitled “Balgaran e..
Astăzi, 13 ianuarie 2023, se marchează Ziua cinematografiei bulgare și sărbătoarea profesională a tuturor celor implicați în producția de film din Bulgaria. Data este asociată cu premiera, în 1915, a primului lungmetraj bulgăresc "Bulgarul este un..