Who said Bulgarians were grumpy pessimists? Take a stroll through Sofia's Christmas bazaars and meet the cheerful crowd. The festive decorations, music, merry-go-rounds and stalls overflowing with treats and handmade souvenirs can make the gloomiest..
Centrele comerciale din Sofia și din întreaga țară vor crește numărul agenților de securitate acolo unde este necesar. De asemenea, vor fi instalate butoane de panică suplimentare, dacă retailerii doresc acest lucru, a declarat Asociația Bulgară a..
For the first time in Sofia, the British show STOMP will perform in Hall 1 of the National Palace of Culture (NDK) from 8 to 10 November 2024. The show, which combines dance, music and theatre, will present its infectious blend of rhythm, drama and..
From today until 9 November, the Central Military Club in Sofia will host the Sofia Information Integrity Forum 2024 . The event will bring together world-leading experts in various fields to discuss the latest technological advances and strategies in..
Iubitorii de muzică japoneză se vor putea bucura de un concert de tobe taiko tradiționale japoneze susținut de grupul Wadaiko-Sai - Japonia. Concertul va avea loc în Sala Bulgaria din Sofia, la ora 19.00, în cadrul Zilelor culturii japoneze în Bulgaria...
Bulgaria is holding its seventh election in three years. As in the last elections in June, turnout is low. According to a Radio Bulgaria vox populi poll in central Sofia, the general opinion is that what is needed is good governance. That means clear..
Prețurile chiriilor în Sofia în trimestrul al-3-lea din 2024 rămân stabile în segmentul de retail. Acestea se ridică la 11 euro/mp/lună în parcurile comerciale, 43 euro/mp/lună în centrele comerciale și 56 euro/mp/lună pe principala stradă comercială din..
The third edition of the International Watercolour Biennial will be held at the Nuance Gallery in Sofia from October 2-20. The exhibition will feature the work of 14 artists from seven countries - Australia, Bulgaria, Italy, Moldova, Russia, Taiwan and..
The second edition of Street Music Fest, a festival of street music and authentic urban culture, is taking place in the capital's Slaveykov Square from today until 29 September. The colourful and fun festival will bring together the city's street..
"Stolichen Avtotransport's accounts have been frozen since yesterday, according to mayor Vasil Terziev. He warned that if the company ceased operations, Sofia would be left without public transport. "Deputy Mayor for Finance Ivan Vasilev, like the..