Njerëzit me frymë kërkuese dalin për të gjetur shufra prej floriri, pendë të strucit dhe vogëlsira të tjera, por shumë pak mes tyre orë të tëra qëndrojnë në ndonjë plazh që të presin erën. Njerëzit të cilët kërkojnë erën me durim ulen në rërë, por..
Megjithë shirat e dendura edicioni i gjashtë i Festës Verore Vitosha mblodhi në një vend adhuruesit e sportit dhe malit. Më se 200 veta morën pjesë në garat e vrapimit malor dhe çiklizmit malor.
Athlete Gabriela Petrova has started the season with a strong result in the triple jump and climbed to first place in the seasonal rankings in Europe, bgathletic.com reported. At the Plovdiv tournament, which was the first athletics competition for men..
Bulgaria's Viktoriya Tomova has taken the lead in the second phase of a demonstration tennis tournament in Belgrade, organized by the Janko Tipsarevic Academy. Tomova won 5:0 against Bojana Klincov (Switzerland), when her competitor withdrew in the match..
The competition between the best Bulgarian kite surfer and the best Bulgarian paraglider has ended earlier than expected. The start of the extreme race was at Novo Selo near the Danube River. In the "Air and Water Need Good Wings" event, the two..
81% prej të rinjve bullgarë në moshë mes 14 dhe 17 vjeç stërviten aktivisht, tregon studimi i agjencisë “Trend” i porositur nga Ministria e Rinisë dhe Sportit. 57% prej fëmijëve në moshë 5-13 vjeç gjithashtu praktikojnë ndonjë sport dhe ¼ prej tyre..
C'est ce que révèle un sondage de l'agence TREND, sur commande du ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports. 57% des jeunes de 5 et 13 ans font aussi du sport, surtout du football. Ceux des Bulgares qui ne font pas du sport invoquent trois raisons -..
The semi-final playoff for participation in the European Football Championship in 2021 between the national teams of Bulgaria and Hungary will be played on October 8, UEFA has announced. The match will be played in Sofia. The match was originally..
Bulgarian football clubs, as well as the Bulgarian boxing and basketball federations have spoken out against the submitted bill to amend the country's Gambling Act. According to the representatives of the sports organizations, the changes create..
Le gouvernement envisage de prolonger le dispositif 60/40 Le dispositif bulgare d'aide à l'emploi 60/40 devrait être prolongé de trois mois supplémentaires, avec une option jusqu'à la fin de l'année. Cela a été annoncé à la Radio nationale..