The Three Seas initiative should leave the realm of politics and turn to concrete connectivity projects in Eastern Europe, said President Rumen Radev in Ljubljana. Three Seas initiative includes the 12 EU member states located between the..
Në një intervistë për agjencinë TASS në prag të pjesëmarrjes së vet në Forumin Ekonomik Ndërkombëtar në Shën Petersburg, presidenti Rumen Radev shprehu shpresë për furnizime direkte të gazit rus në Bullgari përmes Detit të Zi, si dhe se projekti..
Parlamenti miratoi njëzëri me 143 vota “pro” amendamentet në Ligjin për pronësinë shtetërore, duke refuzuar veton e 15 të vendosur nga Presidenti. Korrigjimet u miratuan nga Parlamenti më 15 maj me qëllim optimizimin dhe përshpejtimin e procesit të..
Bulgaria’s National Assembly unanimously adopted again the amendments to the State Property Act. 143 MPs rejected the 15 th veto imposed by this country’s President Rumen Radev. The National Assembly adopted the amendments on May 15, in order to..
The low voter turnout at the European elections is not only a slap in the face of the political class, but also a food for thought why it is two times higher in democratic Europe, Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev told media in relation with the..
Bulgaria’s President Rumen Radev awarded the Union of Bulgarian Journalists the Honorary Plaquette of St. St. Cyril and Methodius. During the celebrations of the 175 th anniversary of the first Bulgarian Magazine Luboslovie and 125 years organized..
Kandidatët për kryeprokuror duhet të jenë të argumentuar mirë dhe t’u përgjigjen strikt kërkesave ligjore. Shoqëria pret rregulla të qarta në aplikimin e kritereve për pavarësi të kandidatëve. Këtë e deklaroi Presidenti Rumen Radev në një takim me..
The nominations for Prosecutor General must be well-grounded and strictly meet the legal requirements. The public expects clear benchmarks in the application of the criteria of the candidates’ independence, said President Rumen Radev during a..
The 11 th edition of Webit innovation and tech forum opened in Sofia. The two-day event is attended by representatives of businesses, technologies and science from over 120 countries. “Our companies are a model of innovation,..
The fact that the Prosecutor General is not subject to any control makes him the most powerful political figure in Bulgaria, said Lozan Panov, Chairman of the Supreme Court of Cassation at a meeting with President Rumen Radev. The two discussed..